Chapter 3 | The Care Of A Stranger

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"Speaking" 'Thinking'

Izuku laid motionless in the hospital bed. His body ached from little movement. He couldn't speak, in fact, the doctor's had to stitch his lips and throat as to make sure he didn't create more damage than there already was. Despite this, he showed no signs of pain where there should have been.

As he couldn't speak, the doctor's had no way of knowing if the boy was fully conscious or if any damage had occurred. He barely even grunted or moved. 

It was just like he was in the coma, little to no movement unless that woman came back to take care of him. He didn't recognize her, the doctor's knew from the moment she'd entered his room and a look of utter shock formed on the woman's face. They'd already held their suspicions about her, but they let her continue to make her visits.

Even after he'd woken up..., his mother still hadn't come to visit, too ashamed to meet his eyes. It probably wouldn't matter. They'd given him a notebook and pen after having him work out the muscles in his hands. The boy didn't even know how to write.

It made sense with all the scares that he had. He was even pronounced brain dead. So the fact that he couldn't remember anything wasn't surprising. The doctor's even started to believe that he wouldn't ever get those memories back as that part of his brain had gone through the most damage from the lack of oxygen and blood flow to the body. 

On most days, Izuku didn't even move from the hospital bed. The only time he did, was when the nurses came to help him with his regular meals, exercise and daily care. Other than that, there were the daily visits from the woman, she'd always help him into the wheelchair and place a small blanket over his legs, bringing him to the outer garden for him to get some air. It was the only time he felt as if there was a point to him being alive. Other than that, he could barely even think on his own without a doctor or nurse interrupting him.

He'd come to find out that the woman's name was Mihori Adaline, a woman with short dark purple hair and vibrant yellow eyes. Her visits were the only thing he could look forward to as each day passed. 

When the day came that the doctor's removed the stitches to his lips, he had them leave the one's at the ends in case he accidentally tried to speak and harmed himself. He'd had Mihori tell them instead of himself. Simply motioning for them was all she needed to understand.

His body was still sore, but as each day passed, he grew a bit more muscle, his skin grew slightly more tan, but it was still incredibly pale. You could practically see each and every vein beneath his skin. It was unsettling to him.

With each visit, he grew fond of Mihori, she was the only one that seemed to understand him. She didn't care that he couldn't speak or remember anything. She was a light within this desolate place. Even the nurses and doctor's he'd see on a daily basis couldn't compare to each of her visits. Although each of them were short, they meant a lot to him. 

As he grew more used to being on his feet, the massages and constant exercise helping him, he started to walk on his own. The doctor's made sure that he was careful since he couldn't feel pain, they didn't want him going overboard and risking his body getting injured without him even noticing. With that, the risk of even biting his own tongue came along. Even though he didn't speak, he still needed to eat, without a tongue, it'd be annoying. To be fair though, he'd noticed as soon as he woke up, that he couldn't taste anything either. It was a grueling task to even take a bite of rice, no taste came from it, even simply drinking water would at times make him gag.

It was like eating dirt..., of course, he wouldn't even know the taste of that.


"Izuku, how was your day today?" Mihori questioned as she walked into the room. Izuku looked over at her, expecting her to come along a little later. He shook his head with a small whistle escaping his throat.

"Bad huh..." Mihori spoke as she walked further into the room and placed her things onto a chair next to his hospital bed.

"The doctor's have told me that you'll be ready to get discharged soon..., how do you feel about that?" She asked him. Izuku looked at her for a moment before looking down at his pale and slightly scarred hands.

He shook his head once more at the thought of leaving this place. Ever since he'd woken up, this place was all he knew, all he had any memory of, he's even managed to map out the hospital through constant walks they'd take together.

"I know it's scary..., they want..., they want you to go back into your mother's care." Mihori told him. Izuku quickly looked up at her in confusion. He didn't even remember what his mother looked like, he couldn't imagine leaving everything he knew to be thrown into the care of someone he didn't even know... someone he couldn't even remember...

He felt bad, knowing from stories that both Mihori and the doctor had told him. That she was a kind woman, she just felt too guilty to come and visit him. But, how was he supposed to know anything about her..., when she didn't even come to visit him, as far as he was aware..., Mihori was all he had. She was the only one that came to visit him, the only one that even bothered to try and make him happy. The doctor's were nice and all, but they were only his temporary caregivers..., they weren't like Mihori..., she visited him even though she didn't have to.

He knows that the two of them aren't even related..., but the thought of not seeing her again hurt..., it was surprising since he couldn't feel pain..., in fact, he couldn't even remember what pain felt like...

He quickly shook his head, not wanting to leave this place, not wanting to give up his constant meetings with Mihori.

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