Chapter 15 | A Bit Suspicious

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"Speaking" 'Thinking'

The two walked through the streets. Izuku, cautious to not catch anyone's attention, while Mai on the other hand, was adamant on holding his bag, saying something about his feeble legs already shaking. It made it look like the two were running away together, or maybe it just looked that way to him, since he actually was running away.

He didn't even notice that his legs had been shaking, he had been on his feet the entire day, walking quite a bit too. Normally he'd pay close attention to it in case he ended up collapsing, but this time it caught him off guard.

Izuku lead Mai to the edge of the woods, he kept a close eye on his surroundings to make sure he wasn't being followed, even kids could be dangerous at this point, if they didn't forget, they were far more honest than teenagers were, it was the reason he didn't stick around long for the kid he'd helped. 

Izuku inwardly sighed as he noticed no one in the area, this spot wasn't as badly crowded as others, even if it was only a block or so away from the park. He slowly made his way into the woods, following the messy path he'd made and messing up his tracks from before. Even though his legs were shaky, he wasn't about to get himself caught again.

"So are you like..., some kind of criminal?" Mai asked him. She didn't seem scared, more so curious, like she didn't care what his answer was. Izuku himself didn't really know what he was, technically he was on the run, he wasn't sure if that made him a criminal though. He could only shrug in response. She shook her head.

"That's more concerning then you nodding." Mai told him. He didn't know how to respond, so simply kept walking, ignoring her stare.

"So..., dad said you're mute and all..., but you honestly can't talk? Like..., at all?" Mai asked him, curious about his situation. Izuku turned to her, his eyes narrowed slightly in response. He pulled down his scarf and exposed his lips, her eyes barely flinched, her breath hitched slightly though, so he could tell she was startled by it. The slightly purple colored stitches along his lips, they were more like piercings at this point than stitches. Honestly, he was thinking of just replacing them with wire, something that won't cause an infection after a mere couple of days. Even with that being the case though, he'd still have to clean it daily, maybe even hourly with the way he lives.

"How do you..., eat like that?" Mai asked him, he kept walking, but showed her that he could still open his mouth, even if it was only slightly. There was so much damage to his nerves and throat that he rarely chose to even eat anything, it hadn't really bugged his stomach much either, not to mention everything aside from pure chemicals tasted like dirt... and even that he'd tried...

Mai went quiet after a bit, obviously she had more questions, but chose to keep them to herself until he could actually answer her. After nearly sixteen to twenty minutes, they'd finally made it to the tracks, they still had about twelve to sixteen more minutes to go, it honestly felt longer walking back than it did to leave. He glanced around, noticing a couple of birds watching them. he wasn't sure why, but even their beady stares caused him minor anxiety. If he could actually feel anything, he's sure his stomach would be doing flips, honestly, he probably wouldn't even be walking or breathing if he could feel anything. 

He kept following along the broken down train, running his fingers through the vines of ivy along the outer cars. Mai refrained from touching them, realizing that it was likely poison ivy. She'd noticed he did a lot of strange things, while working together, he'd slammed his foot into one of the shelves and didn't even notice, not to mention a lot of paper cuts while he was reading. It was like he couldn't feel anything... it was worrying to think about.

She followed after him, already tired from the constant walking. Izuku's legs were still shaking, but he didn't even seem to notice it. He was definitely tired too, he just didn't show it. Now she couldn't help but wonder where he was taking her, there were old trains and an even older railway. They'd been walking in a straight line for quite some time as well. She just hoped that he wasn't lost, or bringing her somewhere they wouldn't be able to get back from.

"Are we almost there?" She asked, she didn't even realize she was out of breath until she started talking, not to mention, it was a bit hot out, even though she rarely drank water, she felt like she was going to die without it.

Izuku nodded, pointing ahead of them. "You did that ten minutes ago..." She whined.

Izuku felt a small smile tug at the stitches and shook his head as he continued walking. It wouldn't be too much further, a few minutes of walking, more of the time, while walking, he noticed that it did take longer, that's why he'd usually run, but his body didn't seem to like that much and he wasn't all that interested in falling over and being stuck there. He was probably too heavy for Mai to carry too.

After a couple more minutes, like Izuku had referred to, they'd managed to get to a very large rail yard, an old abandoned one by the looks of it. The trains were even starting to fall apart and get all rusty. 

"How..., how the hell did you find this place..." Mai spoke, trying to catch her breath. Izuku shrugged as he walked to the train he'd spent a night in. He smacked the door a bit and pushed it aside, opening up to a fairly run down looking compartment. Multiple booth-like seats all around and tables stationed between them. 

He placed his bag on one of the tables and pulled out the multitude of energy drinks and finally got to his journals. He grabbed one of them, pointing at it and grabbing a pencil.

"Finally, now how the hell did you even come across this place, and are you sure you're not a criminal? You're not going to kidnap me or you know, kill me, right?" Mai asked worriedly. Izuku simply opened the journal, shaking his head at her ridiculous questions.

- You offered to come with me, I didn't drag you along.- He wrote. Mai was surprised at his somewhat neat handwriting, she was sure that it'd be super messy since he was always fumbling around with his hands.

"I did, but still. This place..., isn't exactly something you just find, right? Like..., you knew the exact location of it, that's kind of suspicious." Mai told him. Izuku considered it and shrugged.

-I was running and I found this place, I stumbled a few times and left a trail, that's how I found my way back to the road and back here.- He told her, opening up one of the energy drinks and flinching slightly as one of the stitches snagged the tab. 

Mai snorted at him and looked outside the train, the windows were dusty and the entire train was pretty much a mess, even the table he'd put his things on was covered in dust, the walls already kind of falling apart from rust. She couldn't help but wonder how long this place had been abandoned, it shouldn't have been that long since normal trains were rid of, this place was too far gone for it to have been so recent. 

"Hey..., why don't we look around a bit, it's still light out, my dad will kick my ass for being gone for so long, but honestly, I'm more interested in this place, how come it's falling apart like this even though trains were still in use a couple years ago, it doesn't really make sense right?" Mai asked him. Izuku hadn't really thought about that, honestly, he was more grateful that he managed to find a shelter in general, not caring about any reason.

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