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Kai slowly opened his eyes as he felt blood rush to his head and his vision blurred, which also gave a metallic taste in his mouth. He shook his head slightly and he gained his vision soon enough. It was bright enough to tell where we was. Kai tried to move but he felt himself tied up, chain? Rope? He wasn't sure.

The brunette felt his legs dangle down and his hair standing up, he goarned; he was tied upside down. He kicked the air and struggled with his bonds. He circled and around, grunts and curses going on for about a minute or two. Kai sighed and gave up, letting his legs fall back again, but the momentum was still there so he awkwardly swirled for another minute, a scrowl deepening on Kai's face the longer he was restrained.

He squeezed his eyes shut and scratched his brain for a plan of escape. He couldn't even bring his hand to his communicator to warm the other. Unless..., Kai started to worry, he shook his head and thrashed again, his now surely chains rattled again but gave no sign of loosening any time soon.

"Shit; Cole" He kicked the air again to get loose. His efforts wasted as the chain only dung deeper into his arms. A thousand things were banging on Kai's head. Frustration building inside of him every second alone. He hated feeling like this! He wanted his friends, he wanted Cole.

Kai felt angry tears form in his eyes, he didn't have his hands to wipe them off so they followed down with gravity. Kai wiggled again. His hands balling into fists and burst into flames. The chain felt warm around him, it didn't bother him anymore since he had learned to not burn himself. Kai heated the chains further, the chains became warmer. Kai chewed his lip; just a bit more and it should melt and be malleable.

"Sorry but it isn't going to work"

Kai froze. He kicked the air again to circle to see the owner of the voice. Kai immediately recognized her; Nya. The moments of those dreams? flashbacks? Visions? It didn't matter what it was. But it was trying to tell Kai something.

"Let me go" Kai guttered his teeth and glared inside down at Blue Feather. The assassin paused, and seemed to be in deep thought. Kai raised an eyebrow and thrashed again at her, the chain rattled loudly, "let me go before I kill you!" Kai screamed this time, anger fuelling his powers tenfold.

"I have no authority to even touch you red ninja," Nya began and took down her mask. Kai's eyes widened, it was definitely her in his vision. And another moment resurfaced,
"I- I met you before. You bumped into me at the cafe" Kai snarled, feeling even more angered than calming down. Nya's eyes widened and her body language shrunk. "Y- yes, we did meet then"

"I shouldn't have let Lloyd let go of you!" Kai spat. Nya's brows furrowed and she took a step back, genuinely hurt from Kai's words. The brunette noticed this. He kicked again, his head growing slightly closer to Blue Feather,

"Why are you here? To intimidate me? To kill me? Torture me? Whatever it is, I won't even let you touch me"

This made Nya chuckle. Kai raised an eyebrow, his mouth glued shut; the expression baffling him. She brought her hand up and twirled her finger in a flowing motion, Kai's eyes widened as water droplets materialized at her fingers and followed the rhythm of the movement. His suspicions right from the beginning was right; Nya was indeed an element master.

"You're fire, " Nya smiled at her water manipulation; now a big bubble forming.

"And I'm water"

Kai was silenced. He watched Nya show him her water; how she made it move, how she made shaped from it.
"This explains nothing" Kai looked away, his shoulders rising in a tensed position. "You still killed innocent people! And we weren't there, you could've killed more." Kai snarled again, his eyes staring daggers at Nya.

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