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"we just got the second one in. Do you want to interrogate him?" The commissioner walked into his office with a few papers. Kai sat up from his slumped position from the sofa but Cole stayed.
"If it's okay with you sir" Kai said, Lloyd nodded over his shoulder.
"Good then, he'll be moved to one of the rooms in about," he checked his wrist watch,
"Ten minutes or so, give or take. "
Everyone nodded and Cole munched on another donut.
"Come on Cole, that's the third one you had this hour, slow down" Jay sighed. Cole shot him a challenging look and Kai couldn't help chuckle. Cole smirked at Kai's reaction, slightly flustered.
"I need my strength back you know. In my defense: I got the job done"
Kai and to admit, Cole had a good point.

"Say, how did you get it done earth ninja?" The commissioner asked as he sat down on his chair.
Cole shrugged and took another bite off his donut,
"Honestly sir, I guess I just look rather intimidating if you don't know me close"
"Agreed on that Cole. Again, Great work" Kai remarked and knocked his knee with the raven haired boy who gave a warm smile, making Kai feel warm.
Jay rolled his eyes and continued to look up at the ceiling on his own chair away to the corner.

Kai attention shifted to Lloyd, who sat backwards in his own chair and have a hand through his hair and another on his chin, deep in thought.
"Whatcha' up to?" Kai asked curiously, he felt Cole's eyes on him but didn't feel like me might say anything.
"Just thinking" Lloyd said in a monotone voice, his gaze focused somewhere else.
"...okayyy... Is it Harumi?"
Lloyd almost fell from his chair. Kai held back a chuckle as he saw the blonde's reddened face.
"W-what?!! No no no, nope!"
Lloyd glared daggers at the brunette. Kai smirked smugly and Lloyd looked away.

"For your information, I was just going over the questioning we had with the first thug. He seemed pretty clueless on what he was involved in"
"You got a point. What about it?"
"Well, if we put everything into bullet points, well: We know who you chased at night, their name being Blue Feather and the presumed gender of whom we are up against—"
"Kai lost to a girl, take that dignity!" Cole said sarcastically with a grin. Kai rolled his eyes, honestly he was embarrassed about it before and now this new information just made it ten times worse.

Lloyd cleared his throat with a glare at Cole,
"As i was saying, we need more information, more specifically, what's her real identity and why she went after that woman"

"Isn't it obvious?,"
Everyone turned to Jay, he had his hands behind his neck and had his eyebrows furrowed, total opposite of himself.
"She's just doing the bidding for the Purple Anacondrai isn't she? Whoever  the victim was, they had got on the bad side of the group and they sent out some wack assassin to finish them off"
"Jay's right. Maybe we just need to look into the big picture from now" Cole said, his expression growing serious as he sat up on the sofa next to Kai. The fire ninja nodded in agreement and Lloyd also seemed satisfied.

The the office door opened and an police officer came in,
"Sir, the suspect is secure"
"Alright, ninja could you head in?"
"No problem commissioner sir, anything we need to know beforehand?" Jay asked, getting up and adjusting his gi. The head of police thought for a few moments and opened one of his drawers and took out a folder and handed it to Jay.
"I have some things you need to see with Harumi. I thought she was going to show up today but you need her to understand this"
Kai was confused at this. Was it some code or something that only Harumi know? Surely it would be a piece of cake for Zane. But maybe it was something else entirely? He wasn't sure.

"We'll take it when we go—"
"No, take it to her immediately" the commissioner cut Jay off firmly. The room was silent for a few tense seconds and Jay finally nodded and walked in the direction of the open door. The officer standing moved aside as he walked past without a word, no doubt stunned by the sudden change in the commissioner.

(✓) «Blue Feather» ¶ A Ninjago AUKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat