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\\TW: Blood and Gore \\

"Those filthy traitors, I'll be done with them soon enough" Skylor snarled at the hacked camera footage of the ninjas interrogations.
Nya was at her side, fidgeting with her suit, looking rather unsure.
"S-skylor, are you planning on going—"
"Of course. Come if you want, otherwise have my back"
The red head spat at Nya as she turned on her heels and walked out of there.
Nya turned to the paused footage again, her fingers rubbed the small bracelet on her wrist as her eyes met with the figure of the red ninja, the footage with his hand on fire and his body language drowned by his aggnorant temper. In a way, Nya could relate to him.
They have completely different lives but at the same time they are so similar.
Nya sighed and turned to the direction where Skylor left and walked away from the control room to the weaponry.


"Fuck those pests! Why did I ever higher them! This is father's fault entirely!" Skylor mumbled as she sneaked to one of the rooftops of the police headquarters.
"Are you sure this is a good idea sister? I mean, this is the police HQ, the most trained officers are here"
Skylor scoffed and motioned Nya to shoot her grappling hook.
Nya nodded and without any further protest, aimed and fired at one of the dark windows of the building. Skylor used loaded her guns and slid down the line, taking gravity as her advantage.
The red head landed on the windowsill and kept her back against the window and and tapped on the glass with her knuckles, trying to get a good idea about the thickness and the best way to break it without much noise.

She looked up at Nya from the higher building rooftop and point her fingers to the for corners of the window frame. Nya nodded as he understood and water droplets gathered around her fingers, she wiggled her hands and sighed at the relaxing thought of using her powers again.
She aimed sharply and arranged her hands as if she was shooting a finger gun.
She closed one eye and focused her index finger on the places that Skylor ahead pointed.
She fired with her hands and a split second later the frames splintered and small pieces of concrete flew apart, weakening the glass and Skylor separated the glass and jumped inside.
The girl kept the glass gently on a nearby table and looked around the dark and empty room. There were a few empty work desks but not another soul was present, everything was at her advantage.

Nya landed on a desk a few seconds later, Skylor didn't acknowledge her so Nya also kept quiet.
"I told you not you use your powers" Skylor said bluntly as she located the security cameras in the room.
Nya didn't answer her but Skylor wasn't taking any apologies either so it was okay with her.
She pointed to two cameras to the right and she felt Nya get what she was going for.
Skylor went behind the cameras blind spots to the left and switched on her silencer and shot.
Her aim was true, the bullet cut through the essential wires and smashed the screen of that camera.
Skylor sharply turned on her shoulder and shot the one aimed at her back, shattering it instantly.

Nya also did the same by sticking them with her daggers, if would've been easier to do it with her powers but she decided against it because Skylor would've been mad tenfold and the ninja will get some sort of clue about her. She followed her supirior towards the holding cells on the very bottom floor, carefully navigating the cameras and officers in the hallways, the air vents were very helpful. Skylor didn't utter a word to Nya through this whole process and only occationally muttered a curse and cracking her knuckles in frustration. 

After a few more mintues of crawling through the vents, Skylor paused and Nya froze behind her. Skylor aimed crawled a bit more and kept her foot against a sealed opening of a vent. The red head swiftly kicked it back, it moved slightly, a few bolts loosened but it wasn't completely off. Skylor cursed again and kicked it again, fortunately this time the blots were blown off and the vent entrance was open. Skylor jumped down and scanned her surroundings, there were no officers around and the cameras seemed to be deactivated.
Nya also jumped down and landed next to Skylor, the red head squinted her eyes and leaned against a wall, thinking about their next phase. Nya stood silently, the bracelet on her wrist wheiging her down with a selfish gulit. She was just following orders, what she was taught was right. Skylor and her father looked after her for so many years, but deep down in her heart, even if Nya never let it spread, a thought of running away from all of this bugged her.

"They won't know what's coming their way, Nya-," Skylor turned sharply and Nya immediately jumped on her feet, "Yes?"
"Keep guard, if you see anyone... you know what to do"
Nya bit her cheek but furrowed her eyebrows and nodded stiffly, Skylor fixed her ponytail and and unseethed her slim katanas. She hacked the door security to the main cell holds, she got passed the fire wall within seconds and the doors opened. Skylor walked through, Nya turned against her back, keeping an eye on her six.
"I'll be back, try not to screw this one up"

Skylor scoffed and went to the alocated cells to the three thugs. 
She jammed her katanas into the locks to the first cell and the doors opened, the thug inside flinched and fell from the bed he was sitting on,
"oh b-boss! Nice to see you"
"yeah right you shit" Skylor rolled her eyes and sliced his body in body with one swing of her weapons. Blood sprayed on her feet and a few drops landed on her suit, Skylor galred at the dead body of the thug and grinned, she felt truely alive.


"trust no one, am I right?" Skylor said as she leaned towards the dying second thug. He coughed blood and held on the side of his neack where Skylor had slashed without a second glance, loosing blood rapidly.
"the fire ninja thretened to burn my face off lady, what else am i supposed to do?"
"a little burn for such valuable information? If i had to compare, the things that came from your mouth are more valuable than your life, got that?
"you're insane..."
Skylor smirked and checked her reflection on the blade of her blood stained katanas, half her cheek was soaked in blood, not hers but her victimes. "that's why I'm here and you are there, dying on the floor"
"is power all you want? my life costs nothing and why are you so eager to take it?" the thug ask, his voice faint and horse. Skylor tapped her chin as she thought. 
"It's not the power, i got a taste of that already. I'm just here for the...pleasure" Skylor breaths with a grin and cut the thugs shoulder and crimson blood gushed out and the thug died instantly.


"let's go" Skylor motioned with her hand as she stepped through the doors, Nya was leaning idly and as the red head apperaered, she straightened up and nodded.
Skylor used her thumb and bushed away the blood on her cheek, her dark suit still splattered with dark red blood. 
The third traitor didn't give much of a protest, maybe beacause Skylor struck him with her kantana before she even walked in. She was tired to dealing with mindless last words, they were just pawns at her control, just a few being killed won't change anything will it?
"by the way, this doesn't mean I'm not letting you off the hook alright?"

Nya paused at this, Skylor turned to face her with the hands on her hips,
"even if i liked it, if you didn't try to change your instructions on last minute, none of this effort would be needed"
"I-I understand Skylor. It... won't happen again..."
"it better not on my watch. Besides, I'be got another job for you" Skylor turned and resumed walking out to the broken window that they had came through. She jumped to the windowsill and landed on the grapling hook wire that was attatched. 
"Isn't too soon? I mean, the ninja are hooked on to me and I don't want to take the ri-"

"you won't" Skylor simply cut her off and walked on the line and summersaulted to the buildling rooftop that they had came down before. Nya also caught up and raised an eyebrow"
"what do you mean?"
" your next job is not in the Ninjago City, totally off the ninjas radar"
"I'm ready for this yet-"
"shut it. I have already made transport preparations and you leave tommorow at noon and the job is to be completed before midnight on the same night. Do I make myself clear?"
"crystal" Nya mumbled as she followed Skylor as she jmped down using a drain pipe.

"if you can finish this mission without any further conplications, father will not hear about your planning arrangements perviously, I can garentee that. " Skylor stopped. Nya tapped her foot on edge, she wasn't sure about this at all.
"fine the" Nya sighed and bit her bottom lip.
"good girl, that's what I thought" Skylor smirked and patted her on the back. Nya didn't smile back.
"you sure, the ninja won't interfere?" she asked to clarify. Skylor shook her head,
"Now, when did i break a promise?"


Written: 27\12\2023
Words: 1576

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