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A few weeks later, everything seemed to go back to normal. No more murders or any sighting of the killer. It was peaceful and ninja relaxed a little. Well, most of them did anyway,
Kai's been having frequent migraines and his sleeping schedule was worse, he would fall asleep anywhere if it was comfortable and almost fell asleep standing up while he waited for his breakfast burrito to warm up in the microwave.
To the brunette, Lloyd still seemed tensed about Harumi staying with them but the two haven't had an argument so everyone assumed it was alright.

Harumi went to the police headquarters and Sensei Wu assigned Cole and Lloyd to accompany her, switching every week. Cole seemed thrilled because the police cafeteria had the best donuts and he wouldn't always bring back a dozen in a cardboard box from every visit.
Lloyd, on the hand wanted to make up and excuse everytime. Harumi didn't say anything to him and Kai was a bit suspicious of what was going on between the two.

Zane went to the hanger with Jay and spent the majority of the time there, trying further decode the feather and find information on the Purple Anacondrai. When Kai wasn't training he would go there and pass the two some food and work on his motorcycle.
He always had his bracelet on, only Lloyd seemed to notice much since they both hang out together under the cherry blossom tree in the courtyard just talking.
"Want to do a sweep today around Ninjago?" Lloyd asked randomly as he played with Kai's hair. The brunette raised an eyebrow, "Did Harumi piss you off again? You're usually not an outdoor person?"
Lloyd rolled his eyes and tugged a bit sharply on Kai's hair.
"Harumi always pisses me off. I just want to get some air, I also heard that there's a new coffee shop and I want to take a break"
Kai nodded and got up and let his arm down to Lloyd. The blonde smiled and took it.

"Yeah sure. I need some sun too"


"All done I guess?" Kai checked his watched and saw the time as 4:40am. The sun was beginning to set and the sky has gotten a fluffy candyfloss pink and pastel orange and red.
"I think so. Let me check" Lloyd sued his watched to check a new cameras and Kai stole a glance.
The two had done two hours worth of patrolling, visiting the previous murder scene as well to take a final look around and try to find anything. The commissioner was right, nothing seemed to be moved or touched and it was spotless.

"All good yeah. Wanna grab something and then we can head back"
"Maybe a quick coffee, I really can't eat anything—"
"It's on me, I swear" Lloyd took out his wallet, how he got the money? Kai had no clue.
"Fine, nothing big,  Zane would kill be if I skipped out on dinner again"
Lloyd nodded and grabbed Kai's hand and headed to the new café.

"Two hot chocolates, two cquasonts please? And seven donuts to go please"
Lloyd ordered as the cashier added it up. Kai stood next to him, feeling like a little kid. Kai wasn't socially awkward or anything but right now he felt worn and tired.
As Lloyd paid they took a seat near the counter as their order was being made.

Kai took out the bracelet and fidgeted with the little charms. Lloyd's feet didn't quite touch the ground on the fairly high seats and he swung his legs rhythmically while admiring the decor. A few people stared at them because they were in their uniforms and everyone had recognized them.

Kai shone his bracelet in the dying rays of the evening sun, the light refected off the delicate charms and the half of Fire Cobrai fire glittered.
"Whoa, that's new" Lloyd pointed, stars in his eyes. Kai couldn't help but chuckle at the young boy.
"It's pretty yeah, I still wish I knew where the other half was."
"Come on Kai! We'll find out! You and me, together" Lloyd winked. Kai smiled lightly, he was so lucky to have a brother like Lloyd.

"Thanks blondie. In the meantime we solve this mystery"
"Yes sir!"
"Well, Harumi's rubbing on you now huh?"
"W-what?!" Lloyd stuttered, his face going red. Kai chuckled.
Just then a waitress brought their food. Everything was for takeout and the two would drink heir hot chocolate on the way back.
Kai took his hot chocolate in one hand and the cquasonts on the other and headed out the door with Lloyd.

Just then a girl came in, bumping into Kai. Kai kept steady as the other figure leaned back dangerously. Lloyd caught her just in time and helped her stand up.
"Oh God, I am so sorry!" The girl mumbled and took out one of her ear buds and bowed. Kai bowed back and raised and eyebrow, "no worries. But thank Lloyd, if he hadn't caught you in time we'd both be on the floor"
The girl gestured a thanks to Lloyd and he green ninja smiled.

By the looks of her, the girl and black hair, tired up by a ponytail, she wore a striped T-shirt, a long sleeved denim jacket and jeans. Her facial features were obscured by a baseball cap and her mouth was covered by a black mask.
The Kai stared at her, he didn't see her eyes but felt them wander in him and Lloyd. He sensed her eyes meet their ninja gis and her body language went rather defensive as she took a step back.

"W-well uhm... Thank you once again. I'd better leave you to your duties ninja" she said, her tone nervous. Kai could tell that Lloyd was immediately suspicious of this figure, but Kai couldn't shake off the sense of deja vu to the girl who might've been no older than twenty.

"Can we know who you are miss?" Lloyd held the donut box under his arm horizontally as his eyes gave a quizzing look. The girl hesitated, "Nya green ninja. My name is Nya"
Lloyd's green eyes flashed but after a few heartbeats he nodded and 'Nya' waked passed us to the counter.

Kai took one last look at her as we went through the doors and he would've swore we saw a red flower-like charm glitter as her sleeve was stretched back, it was only brief because when Kai blinked it was gone and the girl looked as normal.
He shook it off and turned to Lloyd,
"You gotta go a bit slow with girls man"
"Whatever. Look what being nice to Harumi got me! I'm not in my bed every morning—" Lloyd stopped as his face went red again. Kai laughed so hard he thought he might drop their hot chocolate.
"Damn you. Let's get back we will not talk about this"
"Whatever you say Lloyd" Kai smirked and got on his bike and stowed the food.


"This is delicious!" Harumi and Cole exclaimed in unison as everyone enjoyed their donuts. Both paused and laughed at the timing.
Lloyd sat on the sofa, grumbling as he munched on a donut and scrolled through his phone.
"We thought so. It was Lloyd's idea after all" Kai grinned and took a bite. Harumi's eyes went to where Lloyd was sitting, Kai guessed the blonde didn't see but Harumi smiled gently as her eyes softened.

"Students. Training early tomorrow so sleep well. " Sensei Wu tapped his staff on the table. Everyone goarned. Lloyd shrugged, he got up and headed to his room. A few minutes later, Harumi excused herself politely and went in the same direction because the two were sharing a room.


"It can't be a coincidence.... Can it?" Kai turned on his stomach on his bed and brushed his thumb on his bracelet. It looked relaxing, bathed in the crescent moon light. He had been awake for two hours even after everyone had gone to bed, even Zane was getting enough hours of sleep tonight. That little memory still bothered Kai, like a fly hovering above him when he was trying to sleep. No matter how many times he tried to swat it away, it always buzzed back again.

That girl they had met meant something to Kai but he had no memory of her. He felt a attraction, not as a romantic way but as if he was fated to be by her side, whoever she might be. She had told them that her name was Nya, but nothing else, it wasn't much to go around.
Her eyes and other facial features were covered by a cap and mask, how particular. Even a scent, a smell of ocean salt and mint made Kai feel comforted. It was strange but it was real. These thoughts increased his curiosity to meet her again and talk to her.
Even if it was an illusion, the other half of the fire Cobrai charm she had on her wrist? Maybe a hallucination beacuse Kai was so exhausted. The split second sight circled inside Kai's head, refusing to be forgotten.

Kai gently placed the bracelet on his bedside table and turned on his bed, his face now facing his wall. He cuddled a pillow and sighed into it.
"What is fuck did I see?"
He said to himself, even as his eyes shut and sleep creeped in. Even in his dreams the image of the mysterious girl bothered him, curious on her real identity...


Written: 11/12/2023
Words: 1600

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