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[⚠️TW: panic attacks and some blood⚠️]

Kai looked away from the boy in front of him and stupidly reached for his sword. The earth elemental didn't say anything as he stood in front of Kai. The brunette caught a glance at him, the ravenette's amber eyes looked nervous, he could tell.

"What's your name?" He asked, still not looking him straight. Cole blinked and his fingers fumbled with each other. Kai's patience was running out, he sharply exhaled through his nose to make his point.

"Cole" the master of earth muttered. Kai chuckled and ran a hand through his hair, finally turning a bit, "that's a nice name Cole. I'm Kai, Nice to meet you" Cole looked a bit red but Kai didn't ask, he was too focused on the ravenette's body; he was wearing a casual shirt and black pants, it wasn't anything special but his physic was pretty noticable. Kai smirked and played with his sword in his hand, "I can work with this" he said as he looked Cole from the bottom up.

"I'm no good with s-swords" Cole touched the back of his neck with an awkward smile. Kai tapped his chin and winked, "no problem in that. There're some other good choices you can choose " Cole's shoulders seem to loosen a bit. Kai smiled, which he didn't no much. Cole looked decent and he felt at ease around him. He liked Sensei's choice, he could work with this...

"Well then, there's pop tarts in the fridge if you're interested. Then we could find you a gi to wear" Kai said. Cole nodded in response and followed him inside, at the entrance, their fingers brushed slightly. Kai was rather startled when Cole snatched his hand back and kept his behind his back , Kai raised an eyebrow but dismissed it.

"I-i didn't mean to-"


"No no, Cole, listen-" Kai was cut off when Cole snatched his arm and held it tight. His breath got caught in his throat and no words came from his lips, only uneven exhales. Tears formed in Kai's eyes, Cole looked different, his eyes cautious rather than soft looking at him. Kai gulped and snatched his hand back. Cole looked a bit hurt. Kai kicked himself mentally, he had made it worse. He looked down at Cole's arm, which looked worse than better and Cole looking visibly more in pain.

"Go back" Kai chewed on his lip. Cole hesitated, he looked as if he would nod his head immediately but he had stopped himself, why?

"N-not a chance" he muttered, a pained smile on his lips. Kai blushed but told himself to knock it out. He shook his head, he reached out to touch Cole, his fingers begging for that electric feeling. Kai stopped himself and took it back, what happened was his fault, Cole would never trust him now. Never.

"I'm sorry" Kai muttered desperately, tears now streaming down his face. He has never cried in front of anyone, let alone, Cole of all people. He couldn't show this side of himself, he was useless. He just made the only person who really liked him suffer. He never regarded Cole's feelings, for him even. He had left Cole with a I-don't-know for so long.

"Leave. You're hurt" Kai said, his tone uneven, coming off a bit harsh. "It was my blame when you got hurt before. I'm not taking any more responsibility for your stubbornness. Please Cole..." Kai collapsed on his knees and pleaded, "go back, I don't want to loose you like this..." Kai's breathing worsened as he couldn't control himself; taking ragged breaths between sobs.

"Calm down Kai" Cole squeezed Kai's shoulder, his voice calmer and softer than the blasting noises in Kai's head. Kai shakes his head, making Cole take his hand back, "I ruined everything Cole; I didn't treat you like how you deserved, I couldn't even follow with my own plan! I didn't give a shit about your feelings for the past months! I'm sorry" Kai let it all out, his left palm on the cold floor and his other hands clutching his chest.

(✓) «Blue Feather» ¶ A Ninjago AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें