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A few days later, Cole was improving well and Sensei permitted him to join the others in training but not on missions or visits to the police HQ.

But on the flip side of everything, Kai seemed to have worsened. His physical capabilities were just fine, if not better every day but his emotions and actions weren't particularly happy. He didn't join training most of the time, shut himself in his room all day and or meal times just brought his food back to his room.
For the red ninja's personality, Kai didn't talk that much with anyone either.
Lloyd was worried for Kai, he had never seen him so down before and he figured it was his responsibility to look after his teammates and, well, help them out.

The blonde decided to make his move during morning training: everyone had taken a break and cooling down, Lloyd walked up to Kai and have a casual smile,
"What's up Kai?"
The brunette turned his head to Lloyd and his eyes seemed a bit startled, as if he was in deep thought for some time now.
He took a sip from a bottle of water in his hand and gave Lloyd a friendly nod,

"Yeah, bean?"
Normally, Lloyd would've stomped on Kai's foot at the nickname but this time he decided to keep it in.
"So, how are you feeling?"
"A bit tired..... Otherwise I'm—" the brunette's eyes changed but he quickly shook his head and grinned a painfully. Lloyd of course, saw right through him but couldn't quite make up the words.

"Oh. Alright. Want to go somewhere with me and the others after training in the afternoon maybe?" Lloyd brushed his hair back and winked, trying to keep the mood.
"W- with Cole and Jay....and Zane right?"

Kai hesitated. Lloyd couldn't understand why but he didn't show his confusion.
"Maybe I'll sit this one out today but thanks anyway Lloyd" Kai said with a smile which didn't quite reach his eyes.
Lloyd shrugged but the feeling nagged him a little,
"Oh. Totally fine with that."

Kai nodded a bit stiffly and walked away inside, skipping the rest of training. Lloyd touched his left arm and his bow furrowed,
Kai was getting worse and he still didn't know what's the problem.


"Hey Lloyd," Cole came up to Lloyd as the blonde was about to go inside after training and take a shower for the day.
"Yeah?" It didn't come as enthusiastic as Lloyd was aiming for but Cole smiled and Lloyd felt it was for the best.
"Can I talk with you for a sec?"
Lloyd nodded as in a yes and the two sat down on the edge of the veranda of the monastery.

There was some awkward silence and then Cole cleared his throat and took a deep breath,
"So, uhm... Lloyd, this might be weird asking all of a sudden but uhm... What kind of things does Kai like? I mean...- nevermind, you get the idea"
Lloyd burst out laughing at the awkward tone of his partner's voice. Cole scratched the back of his neck and twirled a stand of hair between his fingers, Lloyd had grown to notice he did that often when he was nervous, kind of like Kai.

"Why so interested all of a sudden?.....Wanna impress a certain somebody??" Lloyd wiggled his eyebrows and teased the earth ninja. He was rather caught off guard when Cole seems to blush and scratch his cheek, avoiding direct eye contact.
"Nope! no!....just....curious a bit"
"Well, honestly I think you should, you know, talk a bit more casually, not on missions" Lloyd raised an eyebrow with a slight scrowl.

"You're right, I guess it's time I probably talk to Kai and... 'connect' a bit more."
Lloyd realized what Cole was going for, seeing his eyes feel a bit hurt. "...Is this about the last mission?"

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