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"Wake up sleepyhead!" Jay tapped on Kai's door. Kai goarned and turned in bed, shifted his pillows to cover his ears from his teammate's loud voice.
Jay was getting frustrated from having to constantly wake the brunette up every morning because their rooms were right next to each other.
"Get up dickhead!"
Jay banged harder and kicked Kai's door.
He heard shuffling inside and the door unlock.
Jay was fuming so he twisted the doorknob and stomped inside, eyes electric.
Kai was slumped on his bead, his eyes half asleep and brown spiky hair messy.

"Fuck you Kai. Get your ass up and get ready, Sensei is taking us to the city today"

"Mhmm...?" Kai muttered and hugged his pillow. Jay kept his hands on his hips and glared at him. Kai felt his back burning gaze but ignored it, he was pretty much used to it by now.
Jay was on his last bit of patience now, so reached down and tugged and pulled away Kai's duvet.

"Mhhm!!" Kai mumbled, his eyebrows furrowed.
"That's what I thought. Sensei will kill me if you aren't down in ten minutes alright?"
"Fine. Whatever" Kai rolled his eyes and sat up in bed. Jay left the room in a fury, mumbling about Kai's laziness in the morning and headed downstairs.

After Jay's footsteps faded Kai waked to his mirror,
His hair was an utter mess in the morning, a few drool lines on the edge of his lips, trailing down his cheek. His boxers squeezing the hell out of him, he felt uncomfortable and sluggish.
"Hey handsome. Ready for another day?" Kai smirked at himself in the mirror. I did a little finger gun at himself and chuckled. He was now hyped up. Kai always liked to do this, the others didn't know about his little motivation tall every morning,
They didn't need to know.
Kai frowned at his reflection and ran his hands through his hair.
"Alright then. Time to be useful" hehe sighed and headed for a bath.


"How did you sleep?" Zane asked Kai, his voice polite and soft. Kai shrugged and glared at Jay. Jay rolled his eyes and focused on his food.
"The usual" Kai replied. Zane nodded.
"Good morning students" Sensi walked in with Lloyd, who looked tired, with bags under his eyes, his blonde hair a bit deflated. He let out an obvious yawn which confirmed Kai's thoughts.
"Morning Sensi, Lloyd" we all greeted.
Lloyd hazily took a seat and poked his food.

"Something wrong Kai?"
Kai flinched. He turned to Cole who had asked, his eyes conserned. Kai scratched the back of neck and looked down at his breakfast, which he had barely touched, his milk glass still full.
"N-no, I'm...fine" Kai replied and pushed himself to eat.
The truth to be told: Kai couldn't get a wink of sleep for about two months and it was effecting his eating patterns, he didn't care much about it.
He would get a slightly faintish but he always shrugged it off, not wanting to trouble anyone.

"Oh, k. You not hungry?" Cole said as he took a bite. Kai shook his head slightly and pushed his plate away.
"I guess not, I'm going outside"
Kai mumbled as he got up and pushed his chair in, even Jay looked up with a raised eyebrow but he didn't say anything.
"Just... Need some fresh air. I'll join the training in a bit"
He looked over to sensei who nodded, Kai's gaze landed on Lloyd, he looked conserned. Kai's mouth felt sour, they shouldn't worry about him this way.
He was supposed to see after them, not, not the other way around.
"Don't worry. I'm not hungry"
Kai flashed a fake smile, it hurt sure, but the others shouldn't push themselves because of some shit going on Kai's life.

The brunette stepped into the courtyard, he looked down at the green grass, just like the color of Lloyd's eyes. There was a cherry blossom tree planted in the middle, Kai remembered that Sensei Wu, Lloyd and himself had planted this sapling when Kai found his inner fire.
A smile tugged the corners of Kai's lips but didn't quite reach the whole way through.
Now the little branch had grown and it was the season of it's blooming, pink clouds fluttered down, some blowing above the walls and outside.
The big tree shadow proving shade and comfort.
Kai leaned on it's trunk and let his legs sink into the dew drops trapped in the grass, which were more lustrous and healthy under the tree.

"What am I missing?"
Kai said to himself as he looked up at the tangle of long, slim beaches, growing heavy of the pink flowers.
Kai reached for his pocket and delicately took out a neckless.
It had been left with him when he was abandoned on the monastery doorsteps. He had always held onto it, it was a bit banged up and dusty since Kai took it with him everywhere and him slamming into things didn't improve it's delicate design.
It had a charm of a hanging gem, a lion mural and half of a reddish flower.
Once Kai was able, he did his research and found out that the half of the flower piece was a rare species called 'Fire Cobrai '
At first he just thought that it was just a coincidence that he got a part of something that might be connected to his real family and his powers.
But alas, there were only a limited number of manuscripts related on his flower. And Kai was stuck. But from the facts he knew, he was sure, that there was someone else with the other half of his flower, another twin bracelet that will fit with his own.

Kai's daydreaming was interrupted by Lloyd coming outside. The blonde walked to Kai and leaned with him on the truck.
"You look like a zombie" Kai laughed softly as a scrowl deepened on Lloyd's fair cheeks.
"Tell me about it" Lloyd yawn again and stretched his arms. After, he laid his head on Kai's shoulder and sighed. He noticed the bracelet Kai was holding gently on his palm.
"I'm surprised that you still stuck with it"
Kai scoffed and looked down at Lloyd. The blonde reached out his hand and motioned. Kai placed the charm on his palm and Lloyd took a look.
"Guess what I was searching last night?" he said with a quizzing look. Kai shrugged,
"Dono, uhm...emo card games or something?"

Lloyd withdrew his head from Kai's shoulder and stared at him, Kai looked as the blonde's face went red.
"Fuck no! I'm not that emo! I'm not even brushed by that topic!"
Lloyd burst out. Kai giggled, having to tease Lloyd was the best!

"As I was saying -" Lloyd cleared his throat, "I managed to find some new facts about the Fire Cobrai"
Kai's eyes pricked, if he had a tail, right then, it would've been wagging like crazy!
"I'm all ears"
"Good to know"
"What did you find?"
"Well, this flower can only be found in the southern rainforests but is still very hard to acquire-"
"I know that"
"Shush! The Fire Cobrai is also known to withstand extreme temperatures and climate changes and adapt accordingly,"
Lloyd paused and studied Kai's bracelet,
"I found out that it only blooms on a red moon, at night more specifically, but it's petals emit a slight glow when it is shown directly in the moonlight."
"A- a red moon?"
"Yup. It's also a very rare phenomenon. The conditions and planets have to be perfect for something like this to happen. And the catch is that, scientists have predicted that a red moon will only occur every 200 full moons, give or take"

Kai let everything register. He opened his mouth a few times but was forced to close it again at the lost of words.
"You okay...?" Lloyd cocked his head, his green eyes staring at Kai. Kai managed to nod.
Lloyd gave back the bracelet and Kai brushed the half of a Fire Cobrai flower.

"So who ever has the other piece of this is related to me. Wherever they might be" Kai said, more to himself than Lloyd. The blonde gave a quick nod in confirmation.

"It's time I found out"


Written: 04/12/2023
Words: 1400

(✓) «Blue Feather» ¶ A Ninjago AUWhere stories live. Discover now