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Lloyd woke up with a migraine in the middle of the night.

His head throbbed badly as he tried to go back to sleep. He turned on his side to possibly face Harumi but was surprised that she wasn't there.
In alert the blonde shot up, making him cradle his head again from the shock of pain. He usually didn't get migraines, maybe he did get a few when he was extremely stressed. Maybe it was Harumi breaking into tears the other day really getting to him, but he didn't want to admit it.

He debated on checking up on her; he did need some painkillers if he was going to get any shut eye for at least a few more hours. It was also his responsibility to keep an eye on Harumi, it was a shared responsibility that Lloyd never cared for previously but Harumi was clearly upset about something and since he was probably the only one aware that she is outside, Lloyd had to check up on her. He rubbed his eyes and got down from his bed and exited his room.

Sure enough, Harumi sat in the table in the kitchen, her head on the surface and her arms covering herself. Lloyd knew she heard Lloyd coming in, since she went rigid and slowly looked up. She quickly brushed away at her cheeks but Lloyd found her eyes red and puffy, as if she had been crying for awhile.
"Are you okay?" Lloyd asked and opened a cabinet to get some pills, his gaze focused on Harumi.

"Yeah" Harumi responded, holding back a sniff. Lloyd filled some water and took the pills in silence. After he felt better he filled another glass and sat next to Harumi, setting the water next to her,
"Something really shook you in those papers. If it's okay with you, I'd like to know" Lloyd said with a gentle pat on her back. Harumi didn't say anything but sniffed again, curling her lips again as if she was going to break down any moment.

"Why?" She asked Lloyd, not meeting his eyes. Lloyd tilted his head, confused. "What do you mean?" Harumi looked at him, she looked so vulnerable and honestly cute, Lloyd blushed. "Why are you being so gentle with me? I was an absolute jerk to you... I don't deserve your pity right now"  Lloyd's eyes widened, "I wish I had that on tape right now. Oh, think of all the favours I could get from you princess" Lloyd stopped himself as the last bit just slipped through his mouth.

He blushed as he sort of recoiled himself mentally, for being so reckless. But Harumi chuckled at his slip up and looked at Lloyd with a slight smile. "Well, that's an improvement green ninja" Lloyd grinned, "yup"
After that the two shared some silence, Harumi drank the glass of water and seemed to lighten up a bit. Lloyd was glad, he had helped, in some way.

"I'm guessing that your still curious about what I was upset about right?"
Harumi asked breaking the mutual silence. Lloyd blinked back, he was surprised that Harumi was asking for him. He hesitated but nodded slightly, his curiosity getting the best of him.

Harumi's smile faded and she looked down at her hands and took a deep breath, "those files are to an unsolved case of murder, later dismissed as a freak accident," she breathed again and held her shoulders, it really paired her to tell. Without thinking, Lloyd's hand touched Harumi's. She didn't protest so Lloyd managed to hold her soft palms gently. "Those were my parent's case of how they died"

Lloyd's eyes widened. He didn't say anything but nodded for Harumi to continue. She seemed comfortable enough but she sighed, "when I was nine, I had come late from school and found out apartments sealed off. I was confused and scared as a child my age should be. My parents were nowhere to be seen, which scared me the most. When I asked the officers, they said that there's been a death. I was sent to stay at a distant relative's but I had a guy feeling that I'll never see my parents again."

Lloyd met Harumi's darker green eyes, they were puffy and more tears dared to fall. Before he could stop himself, Lloyd reached up and caressed her cheek, his thumb brushing away a tear. Harumi gasped into Lloyd's eyes, the blonde felt butterflies and he smiled, feeling his cheeks redden. Harumi also looked a bit flustered, he wasn't quite sure.

(✓) «Blue Feather» ¶ A Ninjago AUWhere stories live. Discover now