Chapter Seventy: Back Home - Mature Read

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"Not you?"

"She didn't have as many as I do." Sebastian reflected, his lips twitching at her disgruntled expression. "Shortcake, she did have plenty of freckles on her cheeks. Our baby is adorable. Anne only had freckles along her cheeks whereas I'm covered with them."

Gracie found herself smiling at that, thankful that in some way, Anne was commemorated. "Anne is a pretty name. I wouldn't mind the name for a daughter if that's-" She was cut off as Sebastian's features changed. He was looking at her with some unrecognizable motion that she thought was distraught. He hastily looked away from her, and she rose up to her knees. "If I offended-"

One moment she was looking at the back of his head and the next, she was flat against the mesh of blankets. Sebastian's hand was behind her head; ensuring he didn't hurt her when he was being rough with her.

The light of the fire next to them made shadows dance across his face. It made her remember their first kiss in Africa when only a candlelight had lit up the room. She flinched, feeling something warm trickle onto her cheek. She touched her cheek, only realizing that it was water? Not water. A tear.

A singular tear trickled down Sebastian's face and he was on all fours over her. His voice was gruff and tight with emotion as he spoke to her, "I don't deserve you."

She smiled, wiping his cheek. "You chase away the nightmares. You keep me safe. You remind me that you love me. You make me happy. Sebastian, you deserve everything the sky has to offer."

"I only want the moon." Sebastian murmured before placing a kiss against the base of her throat.

A heat transpired between the both of them. Neither of them could wait for the foreplay. It was the raw, primal feeling of needing to be close. Sebastian and her barely separated even as their clothes were discarded next to them. All she wanted-All they wanted was skin contact.

Sebastian trailed his lips down her jaw line, murmuring words of affirmations. How beautiful she was. How much he loved her. How he never wanted to be apart from her again. How their children and her would be his priority for the rest of their lives. Gracie had teasingly said he'd only be getting one child out of her. He bit her nipple in retaliation. The pain was soothed by his tongue as he swirled it around her the pebbled bud.

Gracie hitched her leg over his waist, feeling his erection against her lower abdomen. She needed him now. She didn't want to wait any longer. Her hips bucked against him and his breath turned ragged from the feeling of his cock sliding between her thighs. Sebastian pushed her hip down with his large hand that encompassed her with a silent command to wait. He was content with leaving marks along her body for the moment in the ultimate showcase that every part of her belonged to him.

That didn't stop Gracie as she bucked her hips again to interrupt the love mark he was leaving on the swell of her breast. Sebastian growled against her chest, but she felt the head of his cock push against her folds. Gripping her upper thigh, Sebastian entered her in one punishing push.

Her back arched off the floor, a whimper escaping her lips as Sebastian's hand moved up from her thigh to her arse cheek and squeezed hard. His fingers dug into the soft flesh of her hips as he moved slowly. Too slowly only for her to realize he was teasing her. Punishing her because of her impatience when he wasn't done leaving a love bite on her breast. Gracie narrowed her eyes, encouraging him to move faster with needy jerks of her hips. As much as he wanted to appear unaffected, Gracie watched as he bit down on his bottom lip and breathed deeply through his nose to calm himself down.

Sebastian stilled inside her, leaning down to drag his tongue against the sore mark on her breast, "Do you want it rough?" Gracie found herself nodding before he even had the question fully out. A smirk played on his lips, his thumb pulling down her bottom lip. "That's my dirty girl. Turn over."

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