22 . T W E N T Y - T W O

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Important NOTE :-

Actually there is news to share with you all which made me kind of happy . If you give me permission then I will for sure in next part .... :)

As I said , same for this chapter as well .
If the target doesn't get completed then I would rethink about posting next part .
( An author needs support in form of votes and views .)

Another Target :-

100+ views and

50+ votes .

50 + Comments .


Okay so , I wanted to tell you that the chapter 23 will be damn interesting than this one !!!!
That'll be a grand present for you !!!!

Ishitaa POV

I was taking small glances at him . Did I start liking him ?
No way ! I can't fall in love easily !

Easy love is illusion ! It's not real !

" Ishu , go and rest a bit now . You've helped enough ." Aunt said breaking the chain of my thoughts .

" Let me help you a bit ! I'll be bored ." I said while whining.

" No you'll not . Let's go . I'll show you some photo albums till then ." Radha said coming out of nowhere .
I nodded happily and we went to her room .

All the time Radha was talking showing me different photos and telling me stories behind those photos .
But my all mind was only on one thing .

Him.... All about him.....
Though my mind was denying everything that I was thinking yet I wasn't able to grab my subconscious part of my mind to not to think about him .

All the time I would think about his image of wearing that traditional Indian dress with the wholesome attitude with him .

Does that mean I started liking him ? The same subconscious mind of mine said.

My brain which is known for stepping into chain of memories and breaking them said .

No!!! What are you thinking about ? You don't like him !
Neither he does to you !
It's mutual feelings of not liking each other !!!!

"......... And I fell on my head like that . That's why I've this mark in this pho--. Di ? Are you even listening ? Dii!? Diii??? DIII???" Radha shaked me harshly which led me to come out of from my mind .

" H-Huh ?? Y-Yes ?" I asked her .

" What did I just say ?" She glared at me .

" W-What ?" I gulped knowing that I was fully ignoring her presence which was meant to be noticed .

" Will you stop thinking about him ? You said you don't even like him then why ?" She said while sighing .

" W-What are you talking a-about ? Just stop it ! You're becoming naughtier day by day !" I said as she gave me ' what are you talking about' look .

" I'm an adult and what I said was a truth cause you , yourself agreed that you don't like him yet you're thinking about him ." She said as I stood up .

" Stop ! I'm going downstairs ." I said as I quickly left.

Time skip to evening

6:15 pm .

" Hello ? Vidya , where are you ? We all are ready and waiting for you ." Aunt said to my Amma as we were tired of waiting for them out of the house for an hour .

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