Epilogue 1 - Chapter 3: The Battle Within

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Essence's POV: Heading home

"How was the talk?" Syd asked as I entered.

"Surprisingly pretty good. Daniel and I are going out tomorrow night." I giggled lightly.

"Huh, that's funny. Tomorrow night we have the group sleepover." She replied.

"That's why he wanted to change the date. We specifically said we're forgetting about our high school relationship. Having our first date the same day as the group sleepover just like last time is not forgetting about it!" I grouched.

"Essence, there's no way to fully forget about your past relationship, so much stems from that. You gotta go with the flow of things. Some things will be familiar, some things will be new." She replied.

She was speaking from experience... sort of. She and Eli were broken up for a few months, but they got back together because they're soulmates. Leah didn't even know what was happening because they all still lived together, and Syd and Eli didn't want Leah knowing. Plus, she was only two.

"I'm so nervous. We're going to the movies and getting dinner at a new restaurant." I groaned.

"Have you picked out your outfit yet?" She asked.

I shook my head no. She grinned before rushing to my closet. She picked up a short houndstooth skirt and a black blouse.

"It's cute, but that skirt is short and tight." I pouted.

"Perfect, it'll teach you some self control. You won't be able to spread your legs open quickly. It'll take you time to take it off, meaning you'll have enough time to think about your actions." She smirked.

"When you say it like that, it makes it seem like I'm an easy whore." I whined.

She gave me a look. Okay... I'll admit I'm easy, but I'm not a whore.

"Whatever. It's a cute outfit. Wait-- the sleepover happens at Daniel's house... Meaning that the friend group is going to know that Daniel and I are trying out a relationship." I cried.

"You don't want your best friends knowing?" She sighed.

"No, because I don't know what this is yet. I don't want to get everyone's hopes up just for things to not work between me and Daniel." I squeaked.

She gave me a look. She needs to stop with these scary looks.

"Essence, you know damn well you and Daniel are meant to be. The only reason you two didn't work out before was because you two were immature, unloyal dumbasses. Now, you guys are... somewhat mature, loyal, and a bit smarter." She giggled.

I lightly rolled my eyes as I stared at the outfit on the bed.

"I really want things to work out between us." I pouted as I fiddled with the outfit.

"You two will make it work." She comforted as she put her arm around me.

"Mommy!" Leah shouted.

"Leah, sweetie, you know you're not supposed to yell like that in the house unless it's an emergency. What is it?" Syd sighed as she left the room.

I picked up my phone to text Desiree. At least she deserved to know what was going on between Daniel and I.

Me: Daniel and I are going on a date tomorrow... Just thought you should know.

Desi: I hope you two have a great time. Sorry for being so snappy yesterday. I get where you're coming from. Zaiden and I are doing whatever the hell we're doing, so I get how things can get carried away and all of that.

EssenceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ