Chapter 24: Desperation's Dance

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*Trigger Warning: Unhealthy habits regarding weight/Disordered eating habits*

In the morning, I woke up earlier than usual for a weekend. It was five. Daniel was gonna be waking up at nine for the plans we had for today. I put on exercise attire, grabbed my headphones, and left the house.

I started walking for a bit as I listened to music. The walking turned into jogging, then turned into running. I ran around the city, not even focused on how tired I was. When I got back home, it was eight-thirty. I felt like I was gonna pass out, but I also felt great at the same time.

I went upstairs and checked if Daniel was awake, luckily he was still asleep, so I went into the shower, and when I got out, he was awake.

"Good morning." I grinned as I kissed him.

"Good morning." He replied groggily as he entered the bathroom.

"What kind of outfit should I wear?" I asked.

"Something casually fancy. Not too much, but not too little." He answered.

I picked out a black skirt with white tights under, and an off the shoulder white blouse.

"You are gorgeous." He gushed as he kissed me.

"Thank you, baby. Can I know where we're going now?" I asked.

"Not yet." He chuckled.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I questioned.

"No, no, no. This is your weekend. I'm serving you." He comforted.


"U-U-Uh, I'll just have eggs, yogurt with granola, and fruit. Not a lot, though. I'm too excited." I lied.

I was starving, especially after that run, but I had to pull through. I really wanted that French toast, but I couldn't have it. This breakfast included every single food group, so that would be good. He heated our breakfast, and even though I told him I didn't want too much, he gave me my regular portion.

"Don't make that face, Essence. Just quit trying with this." He chuckled.

I picked up my fork and ate a bit of everything, then lied and said I was full. He felt my stomach and scoffed. It didn't feel full at all... He then fed me like a child.

"Essence, if you try doing this again, I'm telling your parents. Got it?" He asked.

I nodded as I finished eating myself.

If I run again the entire time but way faster, I can burn off all those calories. I thought.

We then finished getting ready to leave.

"Alright, now you can know what we're doing today. Here." He grinned as he handed me two tickets.

"We're going to see my favorite play?!" I gasped.

"Yeah." He chuckled.

I started squealing excitedly. I've been trying to see this play forever. I've watched it through a screen, but live, this was crazy. The actors were doing shows at different theaters around the country. They were finally coming to our area.

"How'd you get these?" I gasped.

"It was difficult, but let's just say I have connections." He replied.

"Thank you, D. This is amazing." I gushed.

I took a picture of the tickets and sent them to the girls' group chat with the caption,

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