Chapter 11: He Did It

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*Author's Note: This is a long one, but I just realized a lot of my stories have a lot of similarities... all of them, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM have some sort of event involving body image/weight struggles, mental health struggles, that kind of stuff. It just isn't a main topic in all of my stories, but I don't know... It just happens without me realizing it until I reread my stories. I'm lowkey realizing I should reread my stories before deciding to upload them because Coral Springs Academy isn't even finished yet, and I'm hoping I finish it before it ends up catching up to me so I'm not scrambling to finish a chapter to upload. With Essence, it's pretty much finished. I'm just writing the epilogue now. As I reread each chapter I upload and compare it to how far I am now, I'm actually a bit shocked by how different the beginning is to the ending. Anyways, happy reading!*

~ Trigger Warning: Mention Of Sexual Abuse & Murder ~

I headed to Daniel's house since we were planning on having a picnic today, but when I approached the front door, I heard arguing.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Daniel?!" Ms. Pontes barked.

"He's touching my sister!" He shouted as I heard things crashing.

"Desiree, tell him you were lying before he hurts Jeremy more!" Ms. Pontes cried.

"Mommy, I'm not lying! Why don't you believe me?!" Desi sobbed.

I was going to head back to my car, but then the front door opened.

"Desiree, let's go." Daniel demanded.

Desi was sobbing and had a duffle bag with clothes. I was so confused. They quickly got into my car.

"Change of plans, E, I'm sorry." He sighed as he sat down.

"You don't need to apologize, b-b-but what happened?" I gasped.

"Jeremy tried to rape me. Then Mom said I was lying and kicked me out." Desi sobbed.

Oh, my gosh. I quickly hugged her.

"I'm so sorry, Desi." I sighed.

"I almost had him, but Mom stopped me. That dumbass saying Desi's being dramatic." D growled.

"Why doesn't she believe me?" Desi mumbled.

"Cause she's a fucking idiot. That fuckhead brainwashed her. We believe you, though, and he's gonna get what's coming to him." Daniel hissed.

"We're having the big group sleepover tonight, s-should we cancel?" I questioned.

"No, Desi can join. Plus, I gotta talk to the boys about something." He replied.

We arrived at the house soon. Most of the friend group was already there.

"We have a special visitor." I grinned as we entered the house.

"Desi! Oh my gosh, what happened?!" The girls gasped as they approached her.

She explained to the girls what had happened as Daniel went to the boys. I noticed how Daniel's tone was. He was trying to keep quiet, but he wanted to scream.

"Aw, come here, are you hungry?" Syd sighed as she took Desi to the kitchen.

I subtly walked past the boys to listen in on their convo. I had impeccable hearing, everything sounded louder to me, so I could hear them.

"Trey, I need a gun," Daniel mumbled.

I let out a little squeak by accident. The boys faced me.

"T-T-That was my shoe." I lied.

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