Chapter 16: Syd's Birthday

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Syd's POV: In the morning

Ah, my seventeenth birthday. This didn't feel as exciting as I wanted it to be. I woke up facing Eli, who was already up getting ready.

"You woke up early." I said.

He jumped, then faced me.

"Don't scare me like that. Happy birthday, gorgeous." He chuckled as he kissed my cheek.

I giggled as I sat up.

"So, where are my presents?" I asked.

"You'll get them later. Since Daniel can't come to school and E's staying home with him, we're all going there after school to give you your presents." He explained.

"Okay. I hope today's a good day." I grinned as I quickly got up.

I went to shower, then when I got out, I found a nice dress and a little tiara on my bed. There was also a letter.

Dear my lovely Princesa,

I wish I was here to celebrate with you. Seventeen years old, you're almost an adult. I'm sorry you had to lose me before you properly got the chance to know me. But just know, I love you so much. Next year's present will be amazing. This year I didn't really know what to get you, since I don't know what you're going to be into once you're seventeen, but I got you this lovely dress. It's probably going to be out of style, so I don't know if you're gonna wear it, but I put a lot of thought into it. I hope today's a great day, mi Reina, and I love you!

Love - Dad

My dad passed away from terminal cancer when I was a baby. My mom told me that with the time he had left, he got me presents for each birthday, up to my eighteenth birthday. I never really got to know him. I only saw pictures of him. Mom tells me stories about him when she can. It's hard for her to talk about him sometimes. She hasn't been with anyone since he died, and I don't know if she ever will.

"Do you like it, Syd?" Mom asked as she entered.

I nodded as I let out a little sob.

"Don't cry, sweetie, he's watching over us." She comforted, hugging me.

I wiped my tears, then had her and Eli leave the room so I could try it on. Eli came back in and let out a gasp.

"It looks so good on you." He gushed as he helped me zip it up.

"It does?" I grinned, turning to face the mirror.

I looked at myself in complete awe.

"Oh my gosh, I look amazing." I gasped.

"You really do." He chuckled, kissing me.

"Thank you. Now come on, we gotta eat breakfast before leaving. My mom always makes chocolate chip pancakes!" I giggled, taking his hand and putting the tiara on my head.

We headed downstairs, and I was right. There was a stack of chocolate chip pancakes on the table. I giggled happily as I sat down. Mom put a 17 candle on the pancakes and lit it.

"Make your wish, honey." She grinned.

I closed my eyes, made my wish, then blew out the candles.

"Alright, you guys better eat up, so you aren't late for school. I gotta head to work. Have a good day, kiddos." She said, kissing my forehead, patting Eli's back, then leaving.

I was smiling the entire time while we were eating.

"What are you smiling at?" Eli chuckled.

"I don't know. I'm just so happy." I grinned.

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