Chapter 15: Breakthrough

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~ Author's Note: Heh, this chapter is messy... Both in the definition of actually dirty/unsanitary and the definition of confusing... I'm literally revolting and cringing internally from this... Have fun reading! ~

*Trigger Warning: Drug addiction*

Daniel and drugs never mixed. He easily gets addicted. He told me about how when he was twelve he first used opioids from his mom, who was recovering from a surgery. Once he started, he couldn't stop. His parents found out and got him into therapy. He was doing better. We could get high around him without him wanting to get into it. He told no one other than me about this, though. His friends just thought the therapy was about his parents divorcing.

"What's wrong?" Trey asked.

"Essence, keep your mouth shut." Daniel instructed.

"He can't have drugs. He had an addiction problem in the past." I admitted.

Everyone faced Daniel in shock.

"You fucking whore." He growled.

Eli and Syd walked in as he said that.

"What's going on?" Eli asked, eying Daniel.

"I just fucked up." Trey groaned.

"No, you didn't. I feel great. This is just what I needed." Daniel chuckled.

"D, you need help." Trey sighed.

"No, I don't. I don't need shit. Except more of whatever shit you gave me," Daniel smirked.

Trey looked pissed.

"Daniel, you can't do this to yourself again." I said.

"Why do you care? You don't even wanna be with me anymore." He scoffed.

"Of course, I still want to be with you. It was one attraction, and I wasn't gonna do anything with him. I know that doesn't make it right, but you were so quick to end things with me, you'd think you were the one cheating. You must've done something, 'cause how were you so quick to notice something between Myles and I?!" I explained.

"I just knew." He snapped.

"Did you do something?" I questioned.

He sat there quietly.

"Daniel, answer my fucking question." I demanded.

"Fine, I did something... It was the night of the 90s party. While you were getting drunk with the girls, I ended up meeting someone. We kinda hit it off, but she wanted to take it to the next step. She kissed me. W-W-We made out, then I cut her off. I didn't think it was worth telling you." He explained.

I stood there, emotionless. Everyone was in shock. Then I let out a little smirk.

"Ah, I see." I giggled.

"Y-You're not mad?" Syd gasped.

"No, I'm great." I grinned.

Of course I wasn't okay, but I wasn't gonna show that.

"He wants to break up with me over an attraction to someone, call me a whore, make me seem like I really cheated, but he made out with someone else, and thought it wasn't worth telling me! That was the night we first said we loved each other, too. I kept myself in check, but he didn't, and I'm the bad guy. I'm fucking great." I sighed happily.

It was awkwardly silent.

"Welp, you still like him, and you know you do. I immediately stopped talking to her that night. You're still the bad guy." He smirked.

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