Afraid the opponent might use this strategy in a different way.

We pounce on our prey at once. As our paws cling to our preys neck. I do my best to reign in Lacey. Afraid, she will harm Jane.

Yet, Jane doesn't care. She's excited for a challenge. A worthy opponent even.

Lacey lets loose. She's disappointed at first. This person is weak she thinks to herself.

Wondering how she could trust her pup with this woman.

Jane takes an opportunity to attack using fire setting Our fur on fire. It burns. I let out a howl in pain.

Laceys seizes our howl however. She sees it as weak and a moment of misjudgment.

This time Lacey uses clay from the ground to extinguish the fire.

I roll my eyes because it's clear we will need a shower after this.

I feel exhaustion weighing in from left to right. Yet, the blows and attacks do not let up.

Its as if she was a fay warrior raining down and unleashing her deadly beast down on me.

She needed no other shape nor form to be so strong. I was impressed by her strength.

"I thought you would be stronger oh mighty one," she taunts, as she delivers an almost deadly blow.

I knew If I didn't have my mother's bloodline in me I would indeed be dead.

Yet, something wonderful happened. I could feel the power in me forming beautiful together. I was ready for the finally attack of my own. I could feel the wind, fire, water, and earth spiraling together in a perfect unison. A fifth element was unlocked however. It was stronger. It amplified my other abilities and I sent my wrath flying towards my aunt.

She had a blocker in place as if she knew exactly what she was doing. Poking the bear one might say.

Needless to say, she was an amazing teacher. But fear pulls me in when I see she is knocked unconscious.

Did I kill her? I wondered to myself. To much emotions swirling down. I reach out to see if she's breath. With each rise and fall of her chest I can see that she is dying.

I did not mean to kill her. How do I stop her from dying? My wolf snaps me quickly back in my human form. No time for the pain.

I look down now in my human form trying to hold the area of blood oozing from her body.

Its as if the world has stopped now. I can hear nothing but her ragged breath. Than something strange happens. I can feel the tingles in my finger tips.

The pressure I have on the wound. Rise and falls, with better rhythm. Its as if my hands have a magic in them to heal or bring back to life.

I hear her breathing beaming stabilized. I breath a sigh of relief. I can hear Zane gasp in awe from far away.

I look to see him. However, as I do. I notice the forest is glowing to life. It's strange to see it this way. I have been out many of times in both daylight and darkness but this was new to me.

Jane begins to cough.

"Could you try not to kill me next time," she says with laughter.

I'm thankful she didn't take me to almost killing her to heart. After all I still need to ask her about watching Ares, while I go into battle.

"Do we need to get you to the hospital?" I ask.

Fear shines in her eyes. She shakes her head to say no. Instead of using her words.

Zane looks in curiosity. Then decides to pick her up to carry her inside his apartment.

I can't help but be drawn to this side of my mate. The warm side. Yes, his business side is sexy when his pulling meetings. But even the caring passionate version of him sends my body into over drive.

Once Jane rest, I go to her room. I can't help but need to make sure my child is safe. I knock on Janes door.

She opens it without hesitation. I quickly walk in. Zane thankfully was in argument with the idea of Jane keeping our son safe.

"I sense you have an urgent need my dear," she say.

It was clear she was straight to the point type of woman.

"I am honored you taught me the way of the fay," I begun. My anxiety rises of fear of rejection on this request. But I jump on in the deep in.

"Will you watch Ares while I go to battle?" I ask. Afraid her answers will be no.

She beams in delight.

"Dear, yes I will watch him. However, you must know us fay stay usually out of sight. And out of worldly matters. Our time in our realm works differently," she states curiosity peaks.

"You see, if I take your son to my realm when he comes back he will be much older. I can not tell you how much so. Considering, it depends on his powers. The stronger he is the faster he will grow. Can you handle that?" She asked.

I was unsure of the answers. But I knew no matter what even if I couldn't handle it. He had to go with her. His safety was of the utter most importance to me.

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