Mostly Bed Rest

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Exhaustion had swept right through me. I blacked out. Whenever, I came too however I noticed Alexis and Chloe waiting in a chair. I glanced over to see if Zane was in the room.

With our mate bond I could feel him still close by. However, I could barely move. I noticed I was strapped down with metal.

"It's okay. They had to restrain you for testing and to make sure you didn't burn their equipment," Chloe stated.

"Yeah, but Zane stated once you're awake he preferred them to remove the restraints. Something about bad experiences from your past," Alexis said.

I could only truly hope Zane didn't go into full details with them yet about my past. I tried remembering what happened in the gym. But I just couldn't.

I hope I didn't damage the gym too badly because I still want to attend the gathering. I also want to help with decorations if possible.

As my eyes swept over to the door I noticed Zane and the doctor both walking through. Hopefully that would be a good sign and I could just go home.

"Looking at your labs and scans results show a dose of higher level of stress," the doctor begins. Leaving me slightly annoyed at the words I could assume next.

"With that being said you are to be on light duty workouts and training. Limit what you do with your body as towards strength and practice mediation. However, if this persists then you will have to go on bed rest. However we are keeping you overnight to monitor you and your child," the doctor stated then existing.

He didn't even give me time for refusal. Zane chuckled at the fact that I wanted to speak and knew the doctor didn't give me a chance to.

'Isn't it cute when mate laughs?' asked Lacey. 

I couldn't help but to let out an eye roll.

Clearly feeling the tension between me and Zane, Alexis and Chloe allowed themselves to exit.

Zane moved closer to me on my bed showering me with kisses. Melting away all my worries.

"So light duty training? You okay with that?" Zane asked in a caring way. However, I couldn't help but pause on the thought.

I knew I had to train. And to train hard if I had to fight my brother. Part of me was praying it didn't come down to having to fight Ray.

After all I wanted to know about him along with our other siblings.

"Yeah, I will be fine," I managed to say.

I only hoped that Zane wouldn't feel my doubt.

I needed to know more about this fire power of mine. I was tired of sending flames flying randomly.

I didn't want to hurt anyone. I was terrified of inflicted pain on those who did not deserve that.

Would I be able to control this curse? And what will happen if I am not able to? What caused it in the first place?

"Luna? I can feel your confusion..will you let me know what is on your mind?" Zane looked me in the eye.

I wasn't sure if I should let him know. However, his seen me at some of my weakest moments. I couldn't even explain it out loud however.

I instinctively reached my hands out and focused all my thoughts on him. Pictures flowing between us.

Images of flames, random people. The thought of pain. Of regret and fear. For their safety and my own.

I didn't want to be a monster. But how could I be anything else if this was all I saw of myself?

Zane grabbed my hand while using circler motions. Comforting my mind.

"You're not a monster. You know this right?"
Zane said. Trying to reassure me.

"You don't know that? What if I hurt someone who doesn't deserve it?" I ask with tears in my face.

I hated crying but it was the only true way for me to express my emotions.

"Because we will train you. And train you properly. But first we have to make sure it's okay for both you and the babies," Zane stated as he gave me a kiss on the head.

Warmth spread out throughout my body. How could I keep forgetting my two little humans growing inside me. Would they look like me? Or would they look like their father? And who is one of my children's fathers?

I wished I knew. I wished I didn't have doubts. As my doubt however grew stronger so did Zanes grasp and kisses on me.

I quickly drifted off to a peaceful sleep for once. Sadly my nap would be disturbed by the nurse accidentally tripping on equipment.

It didn't take a genius to realize she was human. I looked around and noticed Zane had slipped out.

A slight pain in my chest from him being gone.

"Can I take your blood m-miss?" The nurse asked while stumbling over her words.

I was still baffled by the fact a human was near such dangerous creatures. It made no sense to me..

"Um sure," I replied in a state of confusion.

She looked at me questionable for answering some of my own thoughts. I could only assume others had asked her about something similar.

"My d-daughter is a damipher. Half human..half vampire," she quietly replied.

My mind circled around what she had stated. Even more confused than before. I understood slightly why she was here.

But that didn't make sense either. I believed most of the vampires used humans for food service.

They usually don't allow them to live after the feed or just simply forget by thralling them to forget.

I took a mental note and knew I would have to bring it up to Zane. I doubt she would explain it any farther to me than she had already done.

I wonder where Zane could have gone. I also was dying to escape the hospital as soon as possible. I could only assume they sent the human nurse in here so I wouldn't flip out on them.

She had a comfortable aura about her.
I wondered what Alexis and Chloe were up too. And I was still excited about the get together.

I hoped my friends would find their mates.

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