Very gently, he assisted in brushing her teeth and getting her mouth rinsed out. "A saint," she smiled at him. "Both of you," she smiled at Lucius next.

Y/N kissed the heads of both of the girls as soon as she was able. "The best," she whispered to them. "Evie hug," Charlotte said in a little cute voice. Both girls started squeezing her again.

"Evie huh? Who are you?" Y/N raised an eyebrow at the girls playfully as they stared up at her, arms still wrapped around her. "Charlie," the girl grinned up at her.

"Interesting. I'll take those kisses now," she grinned back and forth between the men.

Severus took his first, gently cupping her face and giving her a sweet soft kiss. Charlotte started making kissing faces signaling she wanted a kiss. Severus leaned down, kissing her cheek gently.

Next, Lucius leaned in, giving her a sweet loving kiss as well. Again, Charlotte made a kissing face until she got another kiss on the cheek. "She is quite demanding. They both are, just like their Mama," Lucius grinned at her before sitting in his chair again.

"I'm thrilled to hear that. What do they call you?" she asked with a little grin. Lucius rolled his eyes, "LuLu of course," he grumbled.

Severus was smiling ear to ear, "I insisted upon it. I knew it's what you wanted," he grinned mischievously. "PopPop," Lucius smiled at Severus.

Stevie started saying "PopPop," and crawling down the bed towards her father. "We tried for Papa but it didn't unfold that way. You taught them the mouth movements for popcorn. When they couldn't say Papa, it turned into PopPop," Severus sighed.

"PopPop, LuLu, Evie, SamSam, I missed everything. They walk, don't they?," Y/N frowned. "Very fast," Severus smiled as if he wished it weren't true.

"Does their magic work here?" Y/N asked hopefully. "No. It doesn't," Severus shook his head very seriously as if telling her to not bring it up.

There was a knock at the door as a nurse came in, a young attractive woman came in to check vitals. "Good morning. We haven't been introduced, I'm Evangeline, your usual day time nurse. You may call me Evan.

You decided to wake up yesterday just as I had left for the day. How naughty," the young woman smiled at her as she picked up Stevie from the bed, putting her on her hip. "I hope you don't mind. They are little celebrities around here," the woman smiled.

Y/N grinned big at her, "I am naughty, you pegged that correctly. It's nice to meet you, Evan. Unfortunate circumstances," she replied. "I quite agree with that. I hope we can still be friends after what I'm about to ask you. I need you to attempt drinking some chicken broth," Evan announced hopefully.

"I'm not hungry for some reason. I don't think I can right now," Y/N said nervously. "You had a feeding tube yesterday when you woke up. It was taken out so you could speak. Your eyes had been taped shut as well, if that hadn't been explained as well.

Unfortunately, the doctors are going to be scrutinizing your willingness to start feeding yourself. It would be very unfortunate if we are forced to put your feeding tube back in," Evan informed her as gently as possible.

"Fine, fuck. Sorry. I know it's not your fault. I will try," Y/N grumbled with a look of defeat on her face. A thought just occurred to her, as she lifted the blanket off her legs enough to inspect herself. "I can't feel my legs properly," she admitted.

"You are still under some sedation so you are less violent in your sleep. The doctor is going to come check on you before lunch and decide if we turn that part of your medication off," Evan replied. "Is this a.. Uh?" Y/N asked about the tube that was going between her legs, filled with an uncomfortable colored liquid.

"A catheter while you were out. It will come out once you're able to get up and go to the bathroom," Evan reassured her. "How much weight did I lose?" Y/N inspected her deflated looking legs.

"You lost some muscle tone. Your feeding tube kept you from losing too much. I would have to look at your chart to tell you the exact number. If you don't use your legs, they become less defined, if you will," the woman informed her.

"Fuck," Y/N groaned as she laid the blanket back down. "I look like shit," she admitted. "Princess, we are thankful you're alive and awake. Don't think about anything else right now. Please," Severus offered softly.

Evan handed Stevie off to Lucius before going to retrieve a hospital tray that had a covered mug of warm chicken broth and a few packaged crackers next to it. Y/N instinctively sneered at it when she saw it coming towards her.

"Girls, who wants to go see what snacks I have at my station?" Evan asked the girls excitedly. Both of them slinked down from the laps they were onto the floor. They toddled on tiny little tennis shoes, following the young scrub clad woman.

"Tiny shoes," Y/N pouted at the cuteness of the scene. "Does everyone here mind the girls terribly well?" Y/N laughed softly. "Everyone in general. They don't take no for an answer," Lucius grinned.

"Go dump that broth out in the sink, please. I beg," she pleaded. Both of the men started chuckling as if they knew this was going to happen. "A galleon," Lucius tossed the gold coin towards Severus after retrieving it from his pocket.

"No side bets," Y/N chuckled as she picked up the cup, removing the lid. She put it back down on the tray. "Can you help me? I'm a little nervous, my hands are too shaky," she asked Severus.

The raven haired man came over, picking up the mug of warm chicken broth, bringing it to her lips. "It stinks," she grumbled before taking a tiny horrified sip. "It smells fine. Some of your senses could still be impaired. Your brain suffered some serious damage during the seizure," Severus informed her softly.

"It smells like they let a goblin piss in this cup and you're trying to get me to drink it now," Y/N looked up at him in horror. "Alright. That didn't happen. It's just broth," Severus chuckled.

"You smell it," she looked at Lucius suspiciously. "You want me to smell a cup that you think a goblin pissed in?" he chuckled. "I want to see if you agree. Please. For science," she begged playfully.

Lucius leaned over to check the cup himself, "It smells like unseasoned chicken broth. Perhaps some salt," he offered. "Salty goblin piss," Y/N glared at the cup shaking her head. "What about pumpkin juice or something? Does it have to be old meat water?" she asked.

"What if you hold your nose while I give you little sips? You won't smell it as much," Severus offered. "What about a straw so it's not so close to my face and I hold my nose. I feel as if my freedom depends on this cup of goblin piss," she admitted with a frustrated voice.

Severus put a little straw in the cup from her tray and brought it to her lips. "I'm going to chug this," she told him before taking the straw. She closed her eyes and held her nose shut as she gulped the chicken broth.

Once she was done, she laid back on the pillow feeling utterly defeated, staring at the lights. She closed her eyes trying to fight off the feeling of nausea the brother was causing inside her. Severus handed her a little salted cracker to get the taste out of her mouth. She nibbled it slowly with a frown on her face.

"I need your word, you will not try to escape this hospital room. No magic, I beg of you. You have a very strong drip of medication right now for your seizures right now," Severus told her softly.

"Wait, what? It's not over?" she asked in confusion. "It's a disorder you have. It was discovered on some brain scans they did on you. There are lesions in your frontal lobe that lead to the massive seizure. At least that's what the doctors believe.

They could have been there prior without our knowledge. I told them about the morning after your mushroom adventure. They said it was possible you were having a very small seizure when we couldn't get your attention," Severus informed her softly.

"I knew something was wrong with me," she whispered to herself. 

Suffering: Part 5Where stories live. Discover now