Class A's Decisive battles

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Bakugo testing out a dummy blade Yaoyorozu made for herself.

(Art by cho_mo_futoshi)


In the meeting room located underneath UA, Nezu and the heroes presented observed the second round of battles as the students fought their hearts out. "Hey, who's that electrical kid? He's kinda cool." Hawks pointed out while observing Kaminari dodge all of Sato's blows.

"Denki Kaminari, Shouto recommended him to Overclocks agency so he technically works under me. This is the first time I've properly seen him fight, I have to say he's quite intriguing." Endeavour responded, eyeing Kaminari closely.

"Kaminari wasn't always this strong before he wasn't that strong, but after his classmates helped him channel his lightning through equipment, he grew at a great rate," Nezu added, easing some of the heroes who believed they might've overlooked his performance in the sports festival.

Weaving another one of Sato's punches, Kaminari could tell Sato was beginning to slow down and decided to retaliate with a few punches of his own, cracking the boy multiple times in the face before sweeping his legs and planting his palm on the boy's stomach, electrocuting him.

"That happened all so fast, I bet that Sato kid didn't know what was coming," Deku noted as Kaminari dusted his hands off.

"I guess that makes electro boy the winner, he's got some serious behind you electro boy!" Mirko called out while Sato stood up.

Walking to the entrance of the cement arena, Kaminari noticed that the door didn't open. "Hey, why's the door not open... wait." The boy noted as he turned around to see a fist coming toward his face.

Immediately, Kaminari ran around Sato to avoid the punch that destroyed the door Kaminari was trying to leave, leaving a massive hole in the arena. "Holy shit, how strong is that kid?" Deku gasped before Sato turned around and cocked his fist back again.

Inside the destroyed arena, Kaminari stared at Sato with a shocked expression as he went for another punch. "You can do multiple of those now?!" Kaminari yelled in shock, flabbergasted at his classmate's progress. "Well, I gotta move!" Kaminari noted before evading the second arena-shattering punch.

"That's some serious power," Endeavour noted, taking his eyes off Shouto and Katsuki's fight to observe Sato's strength.

Evading Sato's second attack, Kaminari decided to put his all in his final attack to keep his classmate down for good. "Hopefully this won't kill ya, Two million VOLTS!" Kaminari roared before punching his classmate in the sternum, frying him and his classmate on the spot. "Yayyyy, I ded ihht." The fried Kaminari celebrated as Sato coughed on the floor.

"Ah so he does have a drawback, if he overuses his quirk he fries his brain. He has a lot to learn, but his potential is great." Edgeshot noted.

Winner: Electro

On the screen next to Kaminari's, Ashido and Jiro could be seen swapping blows with each other as the two of them refused to allow the other to win. "Go girls, give it your all!" Mirko cheered as Jiro landed a kick on Ashido's side, forcing her to cough blood.

In retaliation, Mina yelled out, "Acid rain!"

"VIBRO SHOUT!" The two girls called out as Mina threw a wave of acid at Kyoka, only for Kyoka to plug her earphones into her neck and move the acid away from her.

"Ah, so you did get that new piece of equipment you were talking about." Mina grinned, looking at her friend who tapped her neck to reveal a mouth guard that stretched from her neck.

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