The Lagoon Squad

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Cover story: The Nighteye Agency arrives with FINESSE!


Two days before the attack on the villain's hotel:

In an unfamiliar ship, a notorious villain could be seen drinking a smoothie while waiting for the captain to finish their poop. After waiting a few more minutes, they came out with a smirk on their face, ready to conduct business. "So, I'll give you five million to steal some weapons for me, how does that sound?"

"Well Wolfram, five million is a lot, but we gotta consider who we're taking those weapons off of." The bald-headed dark-skin man shrugged, gaining a concerned look from his subordinate.

"Dutch, did that shit fuck with your head? Five million is enough to make us do anything, just take the deal!" A sharp-tongued woman yelled, making the man roll his eyes.

"Revy if we listened to every word you said, we would've been dead a long time ago." A blonde-haired man sighed, turning around to focus on a new idea he had just thought of.

"They aren't wrong Revy, we should think this through." A Japanese-looking man agreed, angering the woman.

Looking around at her associates with displeasure in her eyes, Revy bit down on her lip before making a proposal. "Well as you can see, my companions here are a bunch of pussies so could you give us a layout of the building and when it would be the best time to strike?" She smiled, making Wolfram smile.

"That would mean I'd have to take money off of your cut." He replied, angering the group.

"You know what, we'll take it. I doubt they're there twenty-four-seven, we'll grab the guns and leave before they can catch us." The Japanese man thought out loud.

"Rock have you gone insane? Making a move like this against them when there are so many unknown variables at play is stupid. They aren't some low-level thugs, they're at the top of our world. One misplay and we're dead." Dutch argued.

"I agree with Dutch, this is risky and stupid." Benny chimed in. "But, five million is a lot and Rock does have a point. Rock was able to plan that Roberta thing so I think we should trust." He added, making Revy smile.

Realising that his group had made their minds up, Dutch sighed and shook Wolfram's outstretched arm. "We'll take you up on your offer IF you give us half now." Dutch scowled.

"Check your accounts it's already been wired, I wouldn't come to you with something of this magnitude and not have it ready," Wolfram smirked.

"Then it's settled, we're going to Japan baby!" Revy celebrated. "Rock, you happy to go back to that shit hole again? I heard the Yakuza family we fought last time got taken by another one, what was it called?"

"You're talking about Kai Chisaki's family, they rule over the Yakuza in Japan right now." Rock sighed, walking to their door to smoke a cigarette.

"Hey don't smoke without me, I'm coming," Revy said while rushing after her friend.

"Then it's settled, I'll send you guys a message detailing what I want to be stolen, until then just have a nice cruise to Japan." Wolfram smiled before leaving their boat.

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