The Number Two Hero: Endeavour

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Cover story: Shigaraki and Spinner talk about League of Legends

Shigaraki: So you were the pro player lizar?

Spinner: Yeah, I remember you sending me death threats one time, who would've thought we'd be best buddies now?

Shigaraki: I wouldn't go that far, you were so annoying to play against.

Spinner: Why? Because I'd win all the time?

Shigaraki: No because whine if your support didn't help, kinda like how you are in real life, you cry when we don't come to save you.

Spinner: Alright relax, that felt personal.


Many days had passed since the Cultural festival inside of UA had gone and now the world had another event to focus on. "Welcome back everyone to our annual ranking awards!" A woman with brunette hair announced, gaining a cheer from everyone in the room. "This year we don't have a lot of time for any long ceremonies, so we're just gonna have to bring out the heroes!" She continued before another woman stepped on stage.

"On the fan votes, you guys had Gran Torino rated at tenth place while the hero association had Ryukyu at number ten!" She read out, causing the curtain behind her to fall, revealing a flustered Ryukyu.

"Thank you everyone, thank you!" She bowed.

"At ninth, you guys had Ryukyu ranked, but instead the association has Gran Torino, the hero holding the record for having the longest stay within Japan's top ten!" Once again, the curtain behind her dropped to reveal the old man, who was smiling.

"You youngsters need to do better, you can't have this old coot upstaging you!" The old man laughed, gaining a few laughs from the crowd.

Allowing the brunette girl to continue the ceremony, the other girl stepped back, allowing her to take centre stage. "In eighth you guys had Gang Orca in eighth and the association agrees!" The brunette-haired announcer called out as the curtains dropped.

"Thank you, everyone, I'll continue to protect Japan's waters with my life!"

"Next you guys had Mirko at seventh, but instead the association had decided to choose Best Jeanist!"

"I felt as if in the past year I haven't been as useful as my fellow heroes so next year I intend on going above and beyond!" He bowed, gaining a round of applause.

Clearing her throat, the brunette announcer got ready again only for Midnight to step out behind her and whisper something into her ear. "Sorry everyone, but I'll be taking over." She grinned, earning a lot of hungry stares. "Now, time to announce sixth place. You guys wanted Edgeshot here and it seems like you guys got what you wanted as he's the hero who's ranked sixth!" She announced.

"Thank you, everyone, I'm happy to be in this position amongst many greats. I'll continue to serve and protect you guys and I love you all!" He waved.

"Next is fifth place and you guys thought that Best Jeanist deserved this spot, but instead the Hero Association chose Mirko!" Nemuri announced, gaining a clap from the crowd.

Standing in the spotlight for a moment, Mirko grinned, "I could be higher, but I'll take this spot. I'll continue to smash all those League of Losers skulls in and any villain that pops up!" The woman claimed, gaining praise from the crowd.

"Amazing speech Mirko. Next is Fourth place and in fourth you guys voted for Endeavour, but the association chose Deku!" She called out while the curtain dropped around the quirkless hero.

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