Tomura's Statement

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Cover story: Izuku falls asleep on the couch after an intense training session.

Walking into the class living quarters, Todoroki noticed someone snoring and decided to check to see who it was.

"Ah, it's Izuku. He's always training, no wonder he fell asleep here. I should wrap him up better, I don't want him catching a cold." Shouto whispered to himself as he grabbed both ends of the blanket to wrap the green-haired boy up tightly. "Sweet dreams."


Jumping up and down, everyone celebrated the win of their number two hero. "I knew he'd win!" Izuku celebrated.

"I'm glad he did." Shouto sighed as he could finally take his eyes away from the screen. "I should make everyone some food, a celebratory feast?"

"I mean we did just have one after the cultural festival, but... yeah ANOTHER ONE!" Mineta cheered.

"This time I'll make Mediterranean dishes so get ready for some spicy food!" The youngest Todoroki announced before grabbing his knife.


Laying down in his hospital bed with bandages wrapped around his body, Endeavour smirked as he sensed a familiar presence approach. "Ever since you've come back to work at UA, we've been seeing each other more frequently. Who would've known we would be cordial with each other." Endeavour smirked.

"The hatred was always one-sided." All Might retorted, gaining a chuckle from Endeavour. "I know you're recovering and all, but I'm I've come here to ask you a few questions if that's okay. Some are personal, but others are for the hero association and police."

"Ask away." The bandaged hero smiled.

Taking a seat next to Endeavour's bedside, All Might cleared his throat before beginning. "Have you lost sight in your eye?"

"No, all the tendril did was rip the skin off, it never hit my eye."

"Good, now onto the main questions. In certain clips of the fight, we can see you conversing with it. Did you find out what its objective was?"

"Yes, it was to defeat you and me, it said it was looking for strong opponents and that we were the strongest," Endeavour replied as he cracked his neck.

Noting down on his notepad, All Might looked up at Endeavour. "What were its quirks and did it have all Advanced versions of Haki?"

"It had six quirks, they were: Muscle Augmentation, really good Regeneration, Shoulder-Mounted Jets, Transforming Arms, Power and Storage. And yes, it did have all advanced versions of haki." Endeavour revealed, shocking All Might.

"The league... they're improving at a rapid rate. Compared to the one I fought not too long ago, this one is superior in every way and would decimate it in a fight. Especially after Shigaraki's actions the other day, I'm afraid that if we give them any more time they'll..."

"Beat us, I know. After the battle, I thought about it. Hawks' and Deku have ears everywhere and from what they've heard, the league isn't just the league anymore. All Might, if we want to prevail and live to see a bright future, we must make a move before they do." Endeavour stated.

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