A Gentle Man

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(A/N: I'm gonna need everyone to read the note at the end of the chapter since this chapter will address some questions you may have.)

Cover story: Toga goes out to shop for the day.

While walking down a market in Shibuya, Toga looked around to see if there was anything she would want.

Toga: "I heard the food stalls here are really good, maybe I should grab something to eat." She thought out loud as she felt a finger tap her shoulder.

Random stranger: "Hey girl, where you from?" A tall broad man grinned, gaining the attention of Toga.

Turning around to face the man, Toga blankly stared into his eyes and sighed, "I'm not from here." She replied.

Behind the man, one of the many men in his group laughed and put his hand on Toga's shoulder to drag her toward him. "C'mon, don't be so hard to get."

Within an instant, Toga's natural instincts kicked in and she grabbed for the blade under her t-shirt, but the words of her leader rang in her head. So instead of killing everyone in the group, she decided to take another route of action, "Could you please get your hands off of me please, I have a boyfriend and I doubt you would want to deal with him." She smiled, making the men laugh.

"She thinks we'll be scared of her little boyfriend, I don't care who he is, even he's All Might!" The man laughed, irritating Toga even further.

"We're the Shibuya gang, your little boyfriend won't do a damn thing to us so just come along and have some fun." The leader of the group grinned.

Weighing her options, Toga decided to try a few things before doing stuff her own way. "The Shibuya Gang, I've never heard of you and quite frankly I don't care who you are. My boyfriend took down Kai Chisaki and his gang, why would I ever be scared of you?" She responded, making the men angry.

"Oh really, what's his name then?" A random member asked.

"Izuku Midoriya." She smirked, gaining a few questionable looks.

"That UA kid huh, then I guess taking you will only make it sweeter, I get to bang a future hero's girl." The leader laughed as he grabbed Toga's and pulled her toward a dark alley.

"Where are you taking me?" The girl asked before entering the alleyway.

"Don't you worry about that, just make sure to not make too much noise, I hate it when they do." The man stated before arriving in front of a black door that was located on a wall inside of the alleyway.

Halting in her tracks, Toga let out an angry sigh, surprising the man. "Hey let's go. Why are you so strong, what the hell, why won't you budge?!" He gasped while trying to pull the girl towards him.

Behind the two, the rest of the gang watched as their leader failed to move the girl. "You fucktards chose the wrong one to mess with." She menacingly stated before unsheathing her knife and stabbing the man in his throat.

Before any of the other men could react, Toga raced around and stabbed every one of them in the throat, killing them all.

"Usually I would taste your blood, but scum like you would taste disgusting."


"Mhm, you're really good at this, I think we can make a lot of babies together!" An enthusiastic pink-haired girl claimed.

"I think we can, if we work together we could win the cultural festival." The blonde American responded.

"You know what, you two seem like you know what you're doing so I'm going to leave you to it, if you need any help just ask me." The short hero stated before leaving the room.

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