A Fateful Encounter

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(Cover story: All Might interrupts Endeavour's coffee break to tell him about Shouto's growth.

Art by: ohno_ha)

After defeating all of their teachers, class 1-A had successfully passed their final exams, earning themselves a nice holiday.

A day after the exams, they were all sat in class, some banged up and others completely fresh. "You still haven't explained what that 'Gear Four' form was. Spit it out, nerd!" Bakugo demanded, slamming his palm on Midoriya's table.

"I discovered it one day by blowing into my forearm while I had my Haki activated as a way to increase the size of my fist. At first, it didn't look like how it looked the other day, but after a few tries, I was able to control how I looked and created it. My Boundman form." The boy explained, intriguing his classmates who were listening in on their conversation. "I don't have that much control over the form though, that was my second time ever using it to attack anything. That's why I completely fizzled out and couldn't use Haki after using it. It takes up way too much Haki since I have to constantly use it at a high rate so unless I'm using it for a final blow, there's no point in me using it right now." He continued, giving his friend a full debrief of his new technique.

Observing their conversation from afar, Yaoyozoru's imagination began to run wild. Taking note of their friend's sudden silence, Ashido pinched her friend's hand snapping her back into reality. "No weird imaginations." She scolded her friend, gaining a cute pout from her.

"So what about your multiple heads and arms sword brains?" Todoroki added, annoying Katsuki.

"I don't know Zuko, why don't you tell everyone about your little 'Hell's Memories' attack that mixed both your fire and ice magically?" Bakugo fired back, making the two clash heads.

Watching the chaos between the two boys unfold, Aizawa stood next to Izuku's chair, giving his thoughts on the two boys arguing. "You two act like Gorillas." He calmly commented before separating the pair and walking to his desk. "Anyway, hello class, how is everyone."

"Good/Great/CAN SUMMER CAMP COME ALREADY!/Terrible." His students replied, making him smile.

"Good, well as you know, you all passed your exams so no one will be doing summer school. What you will be doing is a five-day training camp while there, but it won't be too hard." Aizawa informed them whilst turning on a projector. "I'm going to hand out a letter that contains everything you're gonna need to know and need while there. Whilst reading it, you can observe your matches against us." Aizawa continued, walking around the room to give the letter to his students.


Once everyone was done observing the fights, they all looked at each other with a proud look on their faces, truly understanding how powerful they were.

"As you saw, the majority of you won your fights by using Yaoyozoru's plan which she orchestrated on the spot right before the exam began. Her amazing ability to create a plan that involves all of you winning ultimately carried you against us." Aizawa analysed, making Momo blush. "This doesn't diminish from all of your efforts though. Koda being able to overcome his fears, Kirishima learning how to use all forms of hardening more efficiently and Ilda learning how to read future sight are three of the many great feats you guys managed to pull off yesterday." Aizawa smiled. "Anyway, now that you've seen everything and you've had time to read the letter, class is dismissed!" Shota declared, crawling back into his sleeping bag.

Capitalising on the moment, Hagakure ran to the front of the classroom and suggested an idea. "We should go shopping as a class!"

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