A Burning Friend

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It was an oddly cold day in Musutafu and two fire users decided to heat themselves up by vigorously going at it.

"What's wrong with you boy, why are you holding back against me, I thought you hated me?" A cocky hero smirked, standing over his battered son.

"Damn it." The half-and-half boy cursed, hitting the floor out of frustration.

"Get up, I won't have my son on the floor like that, even if it is to me." Endeavour ordered.

Although the younger Todoroki didn't want to obey, he got up, covering his leg in fire, ready to fight once again.

"Your problem is that you use one side of your quirk at a time and that's wrong. You're meant to use them in conjunction, using your ice side to cool you down, while your fireside keeps you hot enough to not completely freeze." Enji explained.

"I know that, but it's really exhausting, I feel like I'm going to pass out after doing it for a minute," Shouto revealed, making his father nod.

"Well... we'll have to train so it doesn't make you lightheaded. You've already explained to me what these 'Jambes' do so we'll need to work on using them in conjunction. But before we do, I must say, your creativity is lacking. You should learn how to use your quirk more creatively like you could use your fire to fly. In your match against that Izuku Midoriya, you jumped normally when you could've easily used your fire to fly into the air." Endeavour pointed out, slightly irritating Shouto.

"I'm not used to my fireside, if I was more familiar I would've thought of that." The younger Todoroki scoffed.

"Well, now you know. Anyway boy, attack me. Do your little joint Jambe and attack me at full strength, I want to test something." Enji requested.

"Sure, you don't have to ask me twice." Shouto cockily smirked, immediately changing his expression after he heard his father's requests.

Taking a deep breath, Shouto looked at his father and then activated both quirks on his legs, dashing around the room to build up momentum.

"His movements are fast but for a competent observation user, they'll see through his speed." Endeavour analysed, tracking his son with his eyes.

Once the half-and-half boy was done building up momentum, he appeared directly in front of his father, dashing in and kicking him as hard as he could in his adamant. "You said you wanted a kick, so HAVE A TASTE!" The boy declared, sending his father back a few feet.

Coughing up a large amount of spit, Endeavour smiled, wiping his mouth and standing up straight. "Nice kick boy, for someone with zero armament, you have a lot of power behind your kicks." Enji grinned, walking up to his son. "Do that again, but this time I may attack back. Don't worry too much though, I'm not allowed to leave this spot." The man commanded his son, to which Shouto heeded, repeating his actions again. "He's very predictable," Enji uttered to himself, anticipating his son to strike at any moment now.

"Diable Jam-" Before Shouto could land his attack, his father grabbed his leg, slamming him onto the floor. "AGH!" The boy screeched.

"Mhm, your movements are predictable and you're very susceptible to damage due to your lack of Haki." The man critiqued, looking at his son struggling to get up. "This may sound like a lot, but it's for your benefit. First of all, you must learn how to unlock and use Haki. Secondly, you must learn how to use your quirks together without having major drawbacks. Thirdly, you must learn how to use your fire more creatively. Lastly, you must become less predictable and more versatile while you're attacking. If you're focusing on becoming so fast your opponent can't react to your moves even with Haki, you must have different moves if your first attack doesn't work." His father concluded, waiting for Shouto to respond.

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