A New Threat

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Cover Story: Mina and Tsu work together on a class hero training exercise.


"You two must be Nine's subordinates." Revy grinned as she looked at the red-haired woman and wolf man.

"And you two must be Shigaraki's. I think it'll be best if we were to just cut straight to the point and discuss why we're here, don't you think?" The wolfman proposed, making Dabi smirk.

"We should. Now, we have a proposal. You join us, you get protection from the Heavenly Demon and Sand King, along with that the pay will be good and we've already got Overhaul on our side. We're a growing army that can use your help."

Thinking over the man's words, the two looked at each other and activated their quirks, but in retaliation, the two LoV members snarled.

"What do you think you're doing?" The two growled, immediately making the two stand down.

"They're strong." The wolfman noted as he felt the pressure of Revy and Dabi lift off of him.

"Then I guess they mean business." A white-haired man announced as he walked out of the shadows to stand next to his companions.

Looking at Dabi and then at the man, Revy pulled out her guns, but before her companion could say anything, the white-haired man raised his hands in the air to signify that he was harmless.

"Two hands Revy, you have my utmost respect, I wouldn't want to fight you when we're here to make deals." The man smiled while lowering his hands.

"So you're Nine, it's nice to meet you." Dabi grinned as he stuck his hand out to be shaken.

Looking at the man's hand, Nine stared into his eyes and then shook it, "It's nice to meet you too, I don't think I've heard of you before. What's your name?" Nine asked.

"Dabi, I'm fairly new around here," Dabi revealed, gaining a little laugh from Nine.

"I see I see, well then, your proposal seems very intriguing and does sound nice, but I need one thing. As you can see, I have machinery equipped around my face and all around my body due to a surgery I had a while ago. If I use my quirks too often my body... deteriorates, my body isn't suited for the quirks I've obtained so for a while I've been trying to find a healing quirk that allows me to heal my injuries while I simultaneously use my many quirks. If you can promise that you will help me find a quirk that suits my needs, I'll happily join." Nine proposed.

Looking at each other, the two LoV members smirked, "That should be easy, really good healing quirks are rare but they can be found here and there." Revy said, meeting the man's demands.

"Then, I guess I'm a member of the League of Villains. My group will also become a part of it, but only I have full control over them. They may accept commands from you, but if I tell them to do something they'll listen to me." Nine stated.

"That's fine, personally I don't care, it'll be the boss who does." Dabi shrugged.

"I see, well then What's our next move, do we come back with you?" The red-haired lady asked.

"Well yeah, but isn't there meant to be another member of your group?" Revy noted, looking around to see if they were in the room.

"I'm right here." The mummified man stated as he descended from the ceiling using the red bandages that covered his entire body.

Drawing her guns, Revy pointed toward him and hovered her finger over the trigger. "Stand down, he seems to be really good at hiding his presence. That's good," Dabi thought out loud. "Well then let's get going, our car has enough space to fit us all in it," Dabi said while smiling.

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