Class A's Resolve

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(Cover story: Class A girls' sleepover.

During one of the many sleepovers the girls had in the lead-up to the Final Exam, Mina revealed a secret Momo had told her and Ochaco while on their internships.

Mina says, "Stop lying Momo, you told me the exact opposite when we were on our internship."

Ochaco tries to de-escalate the situation by shouting, "No Mina stop talking!"

Toru in the back dances at the new revelation, "I wonder if that means love is in the air~."

Kyoka rejects her point by saying, "Stop exaggerating everything, Momo feels this way out of respect, isn't that right Momo?"

Whilst everyone was sucked into the moment, Tsuyu made an observation of everything, coming to this conclusion. "It's clear whatever she feels is either love or a massive amount of respect. Either way, we're teenagers, we're meant to experience these things right?"

To shift the focus off of herself, Yaoyozoru whispered two of Mina's secrets, "Mina finds Bakugo and Kirishima attractive." Creating even more uproar, causing a downward spiral for each girl in that room.

Credit to the artist: Kogorooz)

On a backstreet in Ground Gamma, a dirty blonde student crushed many cement blocks made by his teacher. "I'm getting the hang of this." The boy smirked as he destroyed another block with his feet.

Directly in front of him, Cementoss was shocked by his student's moves, observing them very closely while making another block to separate them.

"HYAH! That's not stopping me!" Ojiro stated, using his tail to destroy the block.

"His moves... they're maturing the longer he fights. I need to deal with him fast." Cementoss mumbled to himself. "If they won't stop you, then how about this?" The hero grunted, forming two slabs of cement next to the boy in an attempt to slam him.

"It won't!" Ojiro claimed as he smashed them. Unfortunately, Cementoss's assault wouldn't stop as cement shot up from the ground, hitting the boy directly under his jaw, momentarily stunning him.

"Your cockiness will be your undoing." The hero huffed, forming a block of cement from the wall he was currently hiding behind to knock the boy down the street.

"Crap, I got to co-" Before the teen could finish his sentence, another cement block knocked his body down the street, injuring the boy to a great degree. "Ack! Where's Koda?" Ojiro winced, struggling to get up.


In a building nearby, a frightened student hid in a dark room, scared of the adversity that awaited him outside. "I-I-I need to do something." The terrified teen stammered, crawling to the door.

"BEWEE!" A rat squealed, tugging at Koda's pants.

"Oh, what do you want little one?" The curious teen asked, following the rat. "Oh, you wanted to show me your friends, how cute." Koda smiled, playing with the rats.

"BEWEE BEWEE!" The rat squealed once again, throwing an insect at Koda with its tail.

"AHHHH!" The boy yelled, scurrying away from the small beetle.

"BEWEE!" The rat squealed loudly, tugging on Koda's pants, forcing him to sit next to the beetle.

"Stop, n-n-no you can't!" He cried, trying to claw his way. Koda continued his struggle until the beetle crawled onto his leg, freezing him in fear. "Ah..." Koji whimpered, stopping his whinging when the beetle appeared in front of him, pointing outside of the building. "You're... friendly." The petting hero weakly smiled, following the bug to the door.

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