The UA entrance exam

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Dear Diary,

Eh. Doesn't feel right. I'll stick to the usual next time.

'Good luck kid' Those were Toshinori's last words to me before I headed off to the entrance exam. My mother also wished me good luck before I went, but I told her I didn't need it. I knew I would pass the exam with flying colours so there was no need to worry.

Anyway, as I arrived at the school, I noticed more people were beginning to surround me. All of their faces were riddled with stress and anxiety, I felt bad for taking the exam so lightly but that's what happens when you train with the number one hero for 7 months.

"Oh, you're here." Kacchan scoffed.

"Were you hoping that I didn't show up?" I asked smugly.

"Whatever nerd." He replied. Kacchan didn't bother to stop walking so I followed behind him.

"The atmosphere in here is tense huh?"

"Shut up and leave me alone, I'm trying to get into the zone." Kacchan snapped.

"Alright then bud, good luck." The exam started in ten minutes so I thought there was no need for me to rush in there straight away. "I have 5 minutes to mess around, maybe I should look around campus... Nah that's too risky, maybe I should just go inside." I thought to myself. "Yeah, I might as well." When I began to walk back at my normal pace, I realised that I was behind a short brunette-haired girl. I could hear her mumbling something to herself, but I wasn't interested in knowing what she was saying.

Once we entered the building, she dropped her glove and on instinct, I went to grab it for her. "Oh, thank you." She said while bowing.

"No worries." I waited for her to lift her head up and once it was up I gave her back her glove. Her face was round and kinda cute, instantly I could tell her cheeks were probably nice to squeeze.

"Alright, well good luck on the exam." She wished with a bright smile on her face.

"You too." As she walked off, I continued to follow behind her but not too close. I didn't want her to think I was stalking her.

After a minute or two, I arrived at the entrance to the exam hall.

"From the looks of it, my seat is higher up." I thought out loud. When I got to my seat, I saw a familiar face sitting next to me. "Kacchan?"

"Why are you here nerd?" He asked while rolling his eyes.

"My seat is here, why are you here?"

"Why else do you think I'm here dipshit? I was assigned this seat." Being nosey, I peered over at Kacchan's exam papers. From what I could infer, the school wanted us to be around people we knew until the practical started. For the practical portion, I was assigned to battleground A, while he was assigned to battleground B.

"Mhm, I see," I whispered while slouching back in my chair. A few seconds later, the lights went completely out and then the stage lights switched on.

"Good morning examinee's, welcome to the UA entrance exam! My name is Present Mic and I'll be watching over you today!" The extroverted hero exclaimed. Present mic was always energetic and understandable, he was definitely one of my favourite teachers. Anyway, back to the exam. "Now, to start, I would like for everyone to get their pencil cases, I would like to get the written exam out of the way first."


"Alright everyone, now that the boring part of the exam is over, LET'S GET INTO THE PRACTICAL EXAM!" Instantly, the room became more vibrant as everyone was eager to get into the practical portion of the entrance exam. "Now to start with, there will be 2 different battlegrounds. Battleground A and B. Both battlegrounds are the same so don't worry!" I think it's better I write out how the exam works. No offence to Present Mic, but his explanations weren't the best.

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