Gifted blades

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Cover story: After moving into the dorms, Izuku, Katsuki Mina and Eijiro planned to have a day out with each other. As usual, the red-haired boy and pink-haired girl are late, making the childhood duo annoyed.

Bakugo says, "We should just go without them."

Midoriya refutes his argument by saying, "Just give them five more minutes, they'll be here soon."

Fortunately, the pair arrived, allowing the group to have their day out.

Flashback: A few days after the Kamino incident:

Sitting in his mentor's lounge, Bakugo began to wonder where his mentor was until he heard the door behind him open. "Sorry for the wait, I had to deal with something." Deku laughed before running over to the table and placing three boxed katana on the table. "These are the gifts." Deku smiled, taking Bakugo off guard.

"I don't need them I have my-"

"Blades like those aren't enough, you need real ones. If you plan on becoming a proper swordsman, you must have the right tools to do so." Deku intervened, cutting off the unusually timid Bakugo.

"Are you sure I'm worthy of these blades though? My Sensei has always told me one must be worthy to wield a sword." Katsuki inquired, gaining a laugh from the pro.

"Yes you are worthy, if you weren't I wouldn't be handling these sacred blades to you," Ukuzi replied, reassuring the boy. "Tell me Katsuki, do you know why they call mine and Ho's blades named blades? Do you know why there's only '3' in the world?" The hero asked his student.

"They call them named blades because they're the only swords worth naming and there's only three since the sword smith only made three." The boy confidently answered.

"You're wrong. Every blade in the world is named or should be named, our blades are called the named blades because they're viewed as 'cursed'. And if there were only three, why do I have another three in front of us?" Deku revealed, shocking the teen.

"The more I talk to you the more the world I used to live in seems like a whole big lie." Bakugo sighed.

Taking a long look at his internee, Deku patted his head with the hilt of his sword. "Don't worry, what do you expect from a doomed society?"

"You're right, but the more I think about it, I think I have heard about the blades being cursed." Bakugo backtracked. "Yeah, Sensei did say that. He said, 'Those three swords are cursed, but they're more like blessings.'." Katsuki quoted, making Ukuzi smile.

"Your Sensei is correct. For instance, my blade is blessed with the ability to make me move extremely fast and precisely when attacking."

"That makes sense." Bakugo thought out loud while remembering all the times he'd seen Deku attack. "So what do these blades do?"

"I'll tell you what they do after you hear this tale, so buckle up."

Around over 100 years ago in China:

In a small town located in China, a boy held a piece of glowing wood, smiling at it as it lit up the room. "I have a quirk! I'm special!" The boy celebrated, forcing his parents to enter his room.

"Huang, what's wro-WHY IS THAT PIECE OF WOOD GLOWING?!" Huang's surprised mother shouted.

"I have a quirk mommy, look!" He said while picking up another piece of wood, enchanting it with the ability to fly.

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