"Just something grandma says" he shrugged with a smile. She nodded

"This is us" the bus stoped and they got up getting off. Amariana pulled her phone out and began to track her aunts location.

"Ok this way" they walked down the street following the green dot on her phone. The walked a couple more blocks before they heard sirens. Amariana looked down at her phone and saw that she was getting closer to the dot which meant those cops were going in the same location.

"this way" the girl said as they began to run down the street. They made it to the small junky house and saw the police getting out the car. They both followed.

"Hey hey you can't go in there." One of the officers said.

"That's my mom in there" Julez spoke in a shout.

"Let us do our job just wait here"  the officer said the kids nodded and they went it.

"I gotta call my mom" Amariana spoke. She dialed Beyoncé number and she picked up on the 2nd ring.

"Hey baby what's going on?" The woman spoke.

"We found auntie solo location we are here with the cops but they went since and were outside" the child explained

"You went out there by yourselves?"

"We had no choice we would've been lost in New Orleans by ourselves and I couldn't just not do anything I know what this man is capable of" Beyoncé that her child was out alone like that but what she said was right.

"Yeah but still an-" she begins before getting cut off by loud shouting.

"HANDS WERE I CAN SEE THEM." The officers yelled. They heard a loud scream and a gun being shot. Every thing went silent. The two children looked at each other than back at the door.

"Hey. What happened mini hello?" Beyoncé nervous voice said

"I'll call you back" the girl said without taking her eyes off the house and hanging up. They walked to the house and went inside slowly. They saw a light approach and they followed to it.

"Get behind me" the older girl told her cousin. He did as was told and they made their way tot he door where the light was set. The looked and saw it lead down to a basment. The slowly walked down the stairs and the more less steps the more of a view. They made it to the end and looked seeing blood traces.  They follwed the blood and saw the older man dead. They heard crying and looked and saw solange with the officers.

"Mommy" the boy ran to his mother and held her waist as she held him crying. Amariana went to her aunt and hugged her as well.

"Hey everything's gonna be okay" the officers spoke they nodded and cried not letting go.

"Do you have any other family here?" Solange shook her head.

"No it's just us three. My family is in Houston"

"Ma'am if these kids weren't so smart I don't think you would be here right now. Maybe you should move with your family" solange bit her lip. She left Houston yo become who she wanted to be. To start her own life and to be happy. But she knew if things were gonna be like this and anything could happened to her that's not the happy she wanted.

"Looks like where going to move back to Houston" solange sniffled. The kids looked at her with soft smiled and nodded.

August 1st

Stolen from me Where stories live. Discover now