A new start.

364 20 33

June 22nd

"Ok that's everything baby girl" Kelly said coming downstairs with my last suitcase. I smiled softly and nodded. Daddy grandma and blue were here to say goodbye as well.

"Can't believe your leaving again" grandma muttered while shaking her head. I soften my face and went to hug her waist.

"I'll come visit I'm sure." She chuckled and hugged me back, kissing my head before releasing me. I sigh and looked over at daddy.

"Come here" her spoke and went right into his embrace not wanted to let that arms of my father being wrapped around me go. "I love you lefty." He whispered in my hair.

"I love you too daddy" I smiled softly. We pulled away and he looked at me.

"Call me ok just because you don't talk to your mother doesn't mean you can't talk to me and blue." I nodded

"Of course I'll call" he smiled at my words. I looked over at blue and she held a deep pout.

"Hey pookie what's wrong?" I bent down to her level.

"Your leaving" she said sadly. I docent my face and squatted down.

"That may be true but I'll always come visit you blue." She nodded but still held her pout.

"How about this when I come back I bring you some New Orleans candy yeah?" She snapped her head up with a smile.

"Ok" she said happily.

"oK" I mocked jokingly. "Come here" I pulled her into a hug before we released.

"I umm" I cleared my throat standing to my feet. I-i need to go say goodbye to Beyoncé" they all looked at me crazy.

"Are you sure lefty?" daddy asked I nodded.

"I know she doesn't care but I want to show you that I at least still do and me leaving without saying something isn't that way to do it" I explained . They all looked at each other.

"Ok let's do this then." Auntie solo sighed. "But if she says something slick I have no problem handling that" she added. I chuckled.

"I know let's just go." I shook my head smiling. We all left Auntie Kelly's house and got in separate cars to go to Beyoncé.

"You don't have to do this baby if you don't want to" grandma said. I shook my head.

"No it's fine. I doubt she gonna talk to me but as long as she hears me" I shrugged.

"Brave girl very brave" she smiled. "I know you went through a lot and I'm sorry it had to be that way" she grabbed my hand holding it on my lap.

"Yeah." I looked down. "But hopefully New Orleans treats me right" I smiled. I actually really excited to try a new place for a change I've never been on a plane always traveling so that's something new.

"Your gonna love it trust me." Auntie solo turned slightly in her seat. I nodded and smiled looking out the window but my smile soon fell when I seen we were pulling in the driveway.

"Ok" Auntie Kelly parked. "Your ready?" I nodded. We all got out the car with auntie solo putting her arm around my shoulder. We followed daddy up to the porch. He unlocked the door and we walked in. I wanted to get this over with I took a deep breathe and looked at daddy.

"Upstairs?" He nodded.

"You know where to go" I nodded and walked upstairs swallowing my pride and nervousness. I made it to the door and it was slightly cracked I peeked through it and seen she was on her laptop with her glasses on.

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