
352 21 35

June 19th

" Ya'll she acted a damn fool at the movies. She completely shuttered Amariana out like she wasn't even there." I explained to mama and Solange they came over this morning so see Amariana and how she's been doing. And after the movies not so well.

"Beyoncé is just being stubborn like always" Solange sipped her coffee rolling her eyes.

"I can't keep doing this and being her center man when she does something wrong. I can't trying to explain to this baby that her mother loves her but Beyoncé isn't acting like it" I shook my head.

"Well after what she said at dinner about us not raising the same kids I haven't said anything to her" mama said with a bitter chuckled.

"What are we gonna do about Amariana I mean she can't just live with me" I shrugged.  Mama rubbed her templed.

"She just gonna have to home" mama said. Me and Solange both shook our heads.

"No not if Beyoncé gonna be evil to her." I said. She huffed.

"I'm sure Shawn not gonna let that happen." Mama said. I still shook my head.

"But being there mentally is gonna hurt." I said. She hit her lip and nodded. We all fazed off trying to think.

"I'll take her" I looked up at Solange who was looking at me.

"Solo" i shook my head slightly. She can't handle julez and Amariana. That's why I know she can't be with me because I can't handle it. Well titan is younger, julez is a bit older so it might not be that bad.

"Can you handle that baby?" Mama asked grabbing her hand. She bit her lip.

"It's not about what I can handle. It's about if that child is happy and ok and being with her shitty ass mama isn't a option."  She huffed we nodded in agreement.

"Well wait what about Nicki?" I suggested. She ain't got no kids and she loves Amariana.

"Oh yeah she was her teacher Amariana always said she was like a mother to her" mama said smiling softly. Solo shook her head.

"She's been busy with interviews form that movie." She looked at us. "Look it's okay I got it besides she a teenager it's not that bad. I need this anyways will help me get prepared for Julez when he gets older." She chuckled. I smiled looking at Solange and swing her step up to take this says a lot. My baby sister is really growing up.

"Well if you're ant this I support it" mama smiled I nodded.

"Me too. I'm proud of you and thank you for doing this" she smiled.

"Well when will you be leaving?" Mama asked. Solo let out a breath.

"Well I have a meeting with Tyra in three days so after those three days we can head out" we nodded.

"So she needs to get her stuff packed" mama said sipping from her mug.

"She gonna have to do that today?" Solo said.

"Today why? don't nobody got time to deal with Beyoncé" i scrunched my face.

"Yes because these next days I'm busy Ty is doing my dress I still have to find a hair stylist since mine clearly isn't here and a makeup artist and who knows how long that'll take." She said i huffed.

"So that means we'll have to talk to her and tell her today." Mama sighed.

"Damn it" solo gritted. I huffed. This was the last thing we wanted to bring on her right now.

"I'll go get her" I got up and trailed myself upstairs to the guest bedroom. I knocked gently and got a softy come in. I opens the door and she was writing in a book before she closed it and sat it down.

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