Heart to heart

503 25 8

May 14th

"Ok so we'll need milk,eggs,cheese,tomatoe sauce,"  Beybey named off right now we're at the store because grandma wanted to have dinner at her house why this early to get prepaid I really don't know but Beybey said well be there all day.

"Mama always makes me come to the store while everyone else is cooking" she pouted pushing the kart I chuckled lowly "i wonder why that is" she looked back at me and gave me a hard glare my eyes widen "sorry" I mumbled we continue moving and she was looking through the aisle for what's needed I looked up and I saw a woman a woman I know I got a bit closer and she turned fully and I saw her face I gasped loudly causing Beybey to snap my way

"What's wrong baby?" She asked I didn't move I was froze up still staring she came to me and out her hand on my back and looked at me she followed my eyes then looked back at me. "You know her?" I nodded slowly walking to the woman slow as well

"Grandma?" She turned around after putting her can goods in the kart her eyes went wide and she gasped

"Amariana?" I nodded and I felt my eyes tear up she smiled and pulled me into a hug and I inhaled her sweet scent.


"Grandma" 6 year old Amariana yelled in excitement running into her grandmothers arms while was bent down to her level.

"Hi my beautiful grand baby how are you" she hugged the child tightly kissing her cheek. "Good mommy said I can stay with you for the night" the child clapped happily

"Is that so and what ever should we do?" Her grandmother took her hand into her own and pulled her inside. The 6 year old gasped in thought. "How bout we make cookies for mommy and grandpa" she spoke excitedly.

"Ok cookies is perfect" she tickled the child causing her to giggle as well as her grandmother did and kissed her nose.

                   Flashback over

I pulled away and she caressed my check wiping my tears and kissed my nose. I smiled at the memory of her always doing that.

"Oh my goodness you seem so big" she smiled I laughed lowly and sniffled wiping my eyes she looked up and I turned around seeing Beyoncé. Oh god I hope she doesn't hold this against her it wasn't her fault

"You must be Beyoncé" she held her hand out and Beyoncé looked at it for minute and she smiled softly taking it into her own. "Yes ma'am I am" she spoke grandma nodded before letting go she bit her lip and inhaled a breathe

"Listen I'm so deeply sorry about everything I didn't know she did that" she spoke sincerely she looked at me then back at bey "she umm she went away two years before she came back with Amariana we wondered why but she never said anything then when she came back Amariana was with her and she was 3 she said she left because she was pregnant and she thought we would be ashamed i all added up I mean the years Amariana age it all played out so smoothly I never thought of it" she huffed and shook her head looking down I knew it was hard on her because there was a few times Candace and her fought and she would say she never understood her.

"Anyways  I just wanted to apologize on my behalf I'm so sorry that she did that to you and your family I really am" I looked at Beyoncé and she looked at me she looked back at grandma and nodded walking closer to her pulling her into a hug. "Thank you for that" she spoke in a soft whisper she released the hug and rubbed her for arm.

"Well I better get going your crazy ass aunt is home waiting"  me and Beybey couldn't help but laugh grandma doesn't care about what curse word comes out. " it was nice meeting you" bey spoke shaking her hand grandma looked at me and I smiled I felt good to see her I went to hug her and she hugged back tightly. "It was good to see you baby" she whispered in my ear "you too" I replied back she let me go and smiled at me before kissing my nose again.

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