Hidding the truth

607 21 9

April 9th

Shawn's been having it if meeting lately it's just been mad and the girls at home. He says that they hav been making plans for a few songs to perform buts it's been back to back meetings. He left about an hour ago and said he'll be back around 11:00, which is weird there is no way in hell he needs 4 damn hours to go over some songs because I don't even need that long and I'm the Queen of this shit. Right now I'm trying to shrug it off because I don't want to be all tensed up around my baby's. Right now we are making cookies why because it was honestly out of boredom i told them to wait until lunch to eat them so we'll just sit them to the side for later.

"Amariana stop eating the batter" I said popping her hands she been eating the batter and blue been eating the chocolate chips

"Y'all keep eating we not gonna have no cookies to eat" I chuckled

"Yes we will just not fully made" Amariana laughed

"Where's daddy?" She asked looking around standing next to me I smiled at the name. If can't wait til I get there

"He umm he had another meeting"I said mixing the dough

"Damn that all he does is work" she shook her head. I honestly wish I had that mindset to think it's work as well

"Yeah I guess it's comes with being a busy man" I replied dryly trying to shrug it off she leaned forward looking me in my eyes

"Beybey, are you okay you seem bothered" I shot my head up quickly forming a fake smile as she moved back giving a concerned smile

"Yeah,yeah it's just I-I miss him that's all" she noded her her slowly squinting her eyes and deepening the side of her mouth playing with it with her tongue

"Uhn huh" she replied eyeing me. Don't tell me she likes mama and the girls and can tell and see right through me. Am I that bad of an actor? I don't think so I would've never gotten my movie rolls especially obsessed man that bitch Lisa had me and Sharon fucked up.

"Anyway can I asked you something?" She said putting the dough on the pan looking up at me i noded my head telling her it was ok

"How come you don't wanna celebrate your birthday?" I signed and shook my head

"I don't know I guess I'm really used to it by now 11 years didn't feel like worth celebrating if felt like being trapped in hell my baby was gone what did I look like trying to celebrate a damn birthday when I didn't even know if my child was healthy or even alive" she looked at me with sad eyes and walked slowly closer to me hugging me I smiled and wrapped my arms around her small frame and kissed her head

"But I'm here now and it would hurt me to see you not happy especially on your birthday"

"I know but to be honest it doesn't fell like I got the whole you back I mean you don't cal me mom yet and I miss that from you. We had our own relationship and we were in love with each other" she huffed and grabbed my hands turning me to look at her.

And I'm sorry it all went down the drain but I'm willing to bring that back for the bother of us we just have to getting to know each other and I can't just say oh yeah I remember that we can continue when really I don't and I'm jus know getting comfortable but don't doubt that one day I will call you mom I mean you are my mom right? She chuckled and I broke into a smile

"Yes,yes I am" I smiled

"Ok just give it time besides we don't wanna rush it because then it'll feel like it being rushed and it's not a real relationship to get the old us back it takes time" she was completely right we can't rush it because it may seemed force like we are just trying to get to the point when it's more to it.

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