Danger zone

288 17 5

June 8th


I groaned and moved my weak heavy body around the hard mattress. I open my tiredly eyes blinking a few times to get my vision clear. I slammed my hand down to my left and my eyes widen. I felt around the spot and I snapped my head over. Blue was gone.

"Blue?" I Called out I sat up and I seen the bathroom door was opened and the light was off. I jumped up form the bed running got the door. I aggressively pulled the knob but the door was locked somehow. I began to bang on it.

"Blue?" I yelled out I want getting no response not even a creak of the floor. I began to panic and my body was tended up full of shaking. My palms sweating and my chest heavy up and down while my heart rate increased at a fast pace. I felt like I was about to not only pass out from my thick nerves but from a heat stroke. There's was a big lump on my throat and no matter how much I swallowed it would only re-appear.

I got the idea to run to grab my phone. I pulled it out and I knew I couldn't call daddy or Beybey I felt like they would only see blue being gone and it being my fault. So I dialed grandma's number. Putting the phone to my head a so heard the rings.

"Come on grandma" I muttered with hope in my voice I heard shuffling.

"Hello?" Her voice spoken out. I jumped

"Grandma.!, she took blue" I got straight to the point making her gasp.

"What! Where too?" I shook my head

"I don't know I woke up and they were gone and she Locked me in this room" I began to hyperventilate it was Al hitting me making me realize this was really happening. If I don't get her back Beyoncé is gonna kill me. Hate me.

"Ok baby clam down deep breaths" I nodded and followed her words controlling my breathing.

"Ok I'm gonna come there and get you out of there enough is enough I'm taking you both home today." I nodded with a small smile.

"Yeah.ok I'll be waiting"

"Ok. I love you seen you soon"

"I love you too" we hung up and I sighed plopping down on the bed. I looked around the room and soon came in contact with the camera which was red letting me know it was recording. I chuckled and shook my head.

"You really took my sister" I spoke to it for some reason I felt as I was looking in the lens I felt I was looking in Candace's eyes. "I know your watching this. And you need to bring me back my damn sister and let us go" i hissed angrily clenching my jaw.

"But it's ok. Because if something happens to her I made a promise to my parents" I spoke. I nodded. "Yeah your not the only one capable of things. And your right my sister is my main sacrifice. So if anything happens to her you'll see that capability" i gritted. I went silent just looking at the camera I scoffed bitterly and plopped back down on the mattress.

"Pathetic" I mumbled. I looked around the room in silent. I heard tia front door I jumped and hop it was who I thought.

"Amariana?" I heard grandmas voice. I jumped up and went to the door.

"Grandma up here" I yelled out I heard her footsteps coming up the stairs. She fiddled with the knob.

"Ok baby step back" i stepped back and I heard the knob fiddling more but this time more so the lock I heard her slightly clicking. I sat the looking at the door waiting with a rate of nervousness and Hope. One last click.

"Baby" grandma swing the door open. I ran into her Arms and she held me tightly for a moment before patting my arm.

"Ok let's go find blue so I can get you out of here" i nodded and we grabbed our things before we rushed out the house.

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