Chapter 9

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*This will be told mainly from Fuhito's perspective, in a manner speaking, from when he left the throne room with Joffrey and the others, but will not be as long as Visenya's*

Fuhito followed the boy-king and the acting Hand out of the keep as people were running away and getting to their positions. In the distance, Fuhito could hear the sounds of drums beating. 'Goddess, hear this prayer. Stay with me through this night so that I may save and get the Targaryen queen out of here along with her cousin.' Fuhito silently prayed as he climbed the stairs and looked around at the vast waters. "Where's our fleet?" Lancel asked in disbelief while Tyrion stared out at the waters. "On the way." Tyrion answered, still staring at the waters while Fuhito took a deep breath, clutching the hilt of his sword tightly. "Why isn't it here now? They're coming." Joffrey whined and Fuhito's lips twitched as he wanted to out right laugh at the boy's whining. "Hound, tell the Hand that his king has asked him a question." "The king has asked you a question." Sandor looked at the imp who did not acknowledge any of them, still looking at the waters below. "Ser Lancel, tell the Hound to tell the king that the Hand is extremely busy." Tyrion responded and Fuhito let out a snort at the banter between the two. "If I tell the Hound to cut you in half, he'll do it without a second thought." 

"That would make me the quarterman. It just doesn't have the same ring to it. Cut me in half and I won't be able to give the signal. No signal, no plan. No plan and Stannis Baratheon sacks this city, takes the Iron Throne, puts your pinched little head atop a gate somewhere. It might be quite amusing, except that my head would be up there, too. I've never much liked my head, but I don't want to see it removed just yet." Tyrion noted. "There they are!" Joffrey pointed to the ships, just barely coming into view. "Archers to their marks." Tyrion ordered out as the order was carried down the line as a single ship came into view, Fuhito had a weird suspicion that something was on that ship that would deter the Baratheon fleet. An old man by the name of Hayllne appeared, walking up the stairs and lit a torch, offering it to Tyrion who threw it over the edge. Fuhito saw in the distance a lit arrow go flying off and hits the boat, setting it ablaze and Fuhito jumps back, his eyes widening in shock as a bright green flame erupts from the boat, causing a wicked explosion. "What in the name of..." "Wildfire, my lord." Tyrion answered as the flames consumed more than Stannis's fleet and Fuhito took a deep breath, hearing the cries of the men in agony from all the damage.

"He is a serious man, that Stannis Baratheon. Rain fire on them." Tyrion ordered the archers as the Hound went with other men to the gates to stop Baratheon forces. Fuhito left the battlements, following Tyrion after the Hound had left and the Queen mother ordered Joffrey to return. Fuhito snuck quietly out and up behind a man, giving orders and sliced the man's shins before beheading him. The others rally with Tyrion as the fight continues on and Fuhito unleashes the fury and anger he has felt towards the lions on the soldiers in front of them, giving no quick mercy, only death. "There is only one true ruler and I fight for her, not these shithead lions or stags!" Fuhito muttered as he cut down another man, as the others started to cheer as a boat was lit and Fuhito looked up, sneering as more of Stannis Baratheon's men came running. He put the mask on and griped his sword tighter as the men ran into each other and Fuhito fought them all off with the fury he felt and was given through the bond with Hanzo. "RYUU GA WAGA TEKI WO KURAU!" Fuhito roared out as in Dorne, Hanzo let out a roar. "My lord!" Fuhito turned and saw Podrick Payne holding Tyrion in his arms as the halfman bled out, but Fuhito could not go to him, instead going back into battle.

Suddenly, Fuhito looked up as an army came charging in and he knew this must be the reinforcements from Tywin Lannister, the boy-king's grandsire. Fuhito continued to fight until Stannis was forced to retreat. Fuhito made his way back to his chambers, seeing the guards he had posted still there and walked in, seeing Aoi standing near the door, her own swords within reach. He nodded to her and looked over at Visenya who was sleeping with her cousin close to her and walked over, lightly touching Visenya's face like a lover's caress. "Lord Tywin and the Tyrells have come....Stannis is defeated." Fuhito spoke before sitting down in his chair with a sigh. "We will be getting them both out of here soon. Prince Doran and Oberyn are waiting, as is the Imperial officers of the navy." Fuhito said and Aoi nodded before he put his helmet back on its stand and looked at Visenya, who was fast asleep. Fuhito, however could not sleep, the scenes from the battle still fresh behind his eyes and he instead set about working on a letter he would send once he was safely out of the stinking city, one to a stag lord who would either bow by agreement for die by dragon fire, Fuhito was tired of seeing reds and golds around the city.

'Lord Stannis, I write this letter after the battle. Yes, I fought on the side of the Lannisters, but I am not sworn to them. From my mother's line, I am of an old Valyrian blood, House Belaerys and I have a dragon of my own. But what is one dragon when three can fly in the skies? With me, is the last remnant of House Targaryen, Visenya Targaryen, the real rightful Queen. She has two dragons of her own, and with your help as well as the help of my cousin's navy, we can install her back on her proper place. In return, I am sure she will give you what you most desire, Storm's End lordship. I await your letter.

Lord Fuhito Takahashi, rider of the dragon Hanzo.'

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