Chapter 16: A Gift for Natsu

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It has been a few weeks now since Goku and Kagome had won the trial and taken custody of Natsu and Dusk. It seems like they were having a great life as a family, though Goku and Kagome are still dating.

When the morning came, Kagome went outside to get the mail and the newspaper. She was still wearing her pajamas but wearing her robe. When she was about to get them, she saw a familiar figure standing in front of her.

"Piccolo!" Kagome said, surprised to see him again.

He frowned and folded his arms together. "It's been almost a year. Where have you been? Why haven't you come to train me?"

She sighed. "It's because I had a son to take care of, but now a daughter to take care of." Then she smiled at him, "I see you already knew where I was since the last time we spoke."

"Tch, it's none of my business. Anyway, I figured you already bored Goku a son, so I had something for you." Piccolo said, looking away.

She blinked. "What is it?"

Then he pulled something out from his pocket and showed it to Kagome. It was a mini Piccolo stuff toy he made for Kagome's children.

"Aww! Piccolo, that's adorable! Thank you so much for the gift! I knew you would agree to be Natsu's godfather." Kagome said happily.

"Don't push it," Piccolo said, rolling his eyes, "Just because I gave you a gift doesn't mean I came here to meet your son. It was something I would like to give this to you since you and I became friends."

"And I thank you for Natsu's gift. Goku will be thrilled if you become a better person. I always knew you weren't the old Piccolo you used to be." Kagome said.

He glared at her. "So do you promise you'll train with me?"

She smirked. "If I decided to go out with Natsu and Dusk, then yes. I promise to train you, but you'll also have to meet them when we go outside to relax."

"Whatever you wish, but we will meet again when you come to see me," Piccolo said. Then he took off flying.

Kagome waved at him goodbye. "See ya, Piccolo!"

Suddenly, she didn't know Goku was outside on the front lawn watching them this whole time. He let out a chuckle, knowing Piccolo and Kagome had become friends. He knew Kagome was the reason Piccolo had changed to be a better person.

It was then Goku smiled, coming up with an idea of how to surprise Kagome.

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