Chapter 14: Confession

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Warning: there will be sexually explicit scenes in this chapter

"Phew, what a day. Natsu is always full of energy." Goku breathed out after putting Natsu to bed. It has been three days since Natsu almost got hurt but turned out he cut through the apple tree with no injuries. Goku knew it was strange, but figured he got it from his abilities.

"Tell me about it," Kagome said, sitting on the bed. She was feeling tired of the whole day taking care of Natsu.

"He's going to cry all night when we went to sleep," Goku said as he wasn't looking forward.

"I don't think he would since he's now eight months old," Kagome said, shrugging off.

"You think so?" He asked, hoping that was true.

She nodded. "Trust me, when babies turn a year old, they'll never cry every night."

He sighed in relief. "Good riddance. Natsu has been a big boy now."

"Hey, Goku."

He faced her. "Yeah?"

"How do you feel being around with Natsu and me?" Kagome asked, wanting him to be honest.

He smiled a bit. "It feels like you guys were my family since Natsu came to this world."

"What about Chichi? What do you of that? Are you thrilled you don't want to hang around with her?" Kagome asked again.

"Just because Chichi and I separated doesn't mean I was happy she was gone from my life. I still love her, but I still wouldn't forgive her for what she did." Goku said.

"I understand," Kagome said, looking down. Her face went red a bit.

He gave her a curious look. "Why, though?"

She gave him a fake smile. "Nothing important."

"Why do you have to keep lying to me if you keep forcing yourself to smile?" Goku asked, giving her a sad look a bit.

She flinched a bit. "I'm not lying."

"I could tell you are. You promised you wouldn't lie." Goku wailed.

She sighed in defeat. "It's just that I'm worried about something."

"What are you worried about?" He asked, confused.

She gave him a sad look. "Goku, what if... what if they're going to take Natsu away? What if Chichi would take custody of him ever since I was about to give him away to her after an agreement we made?"

He gave her a sad look. "Kagome, don't..."

"I don't want to lose my little boy. Ever since he came into my life, he changed me into a better mother than Chichi. I'm afraid he's going to be taken by Chichi when the decision is made by the lawyers." Kagome said. She then started to cry as she buried her face.

Goku began to panic to see her crying.

"I don't want to lose my little boy the same way I lost my boyfriend... I don't want that..." Kagome sobbed.

Then Goku came up to her and pulled her into a hug, comforting her. "Goku, please don't cry. You know he's my son too. We'll get him. Though Bulma had told me once when Chichi and I were divorced who had a child, we would pay child support every two weeks."

"What about us, though? What are we going to do by raising Natsu?" Kagome asked, worried.

He smiled at her. He began to rub her back. "Even if you're Natsu's biological mother, we would still raise him by sharing even if we're unmarried. Bulma said it's different."

Fertilization // Goku x Kagome [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now