Chapter 9 - Aurora

Start from the beginning

I'm pretty sure she's the girlfriend, she walks in and out of the house like she owns the place, but I'm definitely sure she knows about all the other girls. Lorenzo isn't so discreet.

"You seem like a nice person, you deserve better than him. Trust me."

She looks down sadly, "I guess I have my answer"

My phone starts ringing before I can respond and I know it's Molly, "I have to go, but we'll talk more some other time?" I smile at her knowing very well I'll never see her again.

She smiles at me and nods.


I'm on my third mimosa now and I've only been here for two hours. It's as boring as I thought it'd be. Rich men talking in small groups about business, politics and women sharing the latest gossip.

I'm standing with Molly and two other girls as they share the latest gossip about some girl our age getting caught with a married politician and blah blah blah. I down my drink and tell Molly I'm going to get another before I leave them.

Sometimes I forget how different her and I are until she brings me to one of these things.

"Wow, I know these things are a snooze fest, but you look like you're on the brink of death."

I look to my left at the man talking to me. He's... handsome, quite handsome actually, with blonde hair cut short and piercing green eyes that go perfectly with his slightly tan skin. He's smiling at me and I notice the dimples on the side of his full lips.

"I don't know what you mean. I couldn't be having more fun" I fake a smile.

"Could've had me fooled" he smiles and extends his hand, "I'm Jake"

I meet his extended hand with my own, "Aurora."

"Like the northern lights? That's beautiful"

I blush for some reason, "uhm, thanks, but please call me Rori."

"So.. Rori, how come I've never seen you around here before? I'm pretty sure I'd remember you."

"I was dragged here by my friend.. Molly, it's her parents' event."

He narrows his brows, "You're friends with Molly? Well, can't say I'm not disappointed in her for not introducing us earlier."

The bartender finally hands me my drink and hands him his.. water, "You know Molly?"

He nods, "I work with her dad, I'm one of the doctors at the hospital."

My eyes widen, impressed, "wow, you look young to be a doctor." I giggle at his bored expression, "I guess you get that a lot huh?"

He nods, "pretty much.. What do you do?"

I sigh, knowing this is where he either becomes a perv or an ass. I don't hide what I do, never have.  I'm not ashamed of being a stripper, but with this type of crowd.. I usually get two types of reactions.

The perv: the one who throws out some sexual remark and innuendos that'll have me wanting to kick his balls and the ass; the one who thinks they're too good to talk to talk to me and, throws some crude remark before looking at me in disapproval and walks away. The latter's usually from females

"I'm a part time stripper."  I state blankly. His eyes widen and I think he waits for me to say I'm joking, but sees my blank expression, no hint of humour.

"Wow. That... I heard it pays well." He awkwardly lets out.

"It does, I guess."

"Well, that's all that matters right?"

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