Extra: Ivy and Hunter's wedding

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Today is going to be a wonderful day. Ivy and Hunter are getting married!

I can't believe this is happening. It went from Ivy's crush to Ivy's soon-to-be husband.

I went dress shopping with her, Naomi, and her mom. I swear, she looked so beautiful in all the dresses she tried on.

After a lot of deciding, she knew which dress to pick.

We got invitations, which looked very pretty. The theme was going to be a 'fairy tale wedding'. I googled it, and it looked so beautiful.

3 days before the wedding, we flew to Italy. It was a very long flight, but worth it, of course.

We stayed in a hotel, which was pretty luxurious.

The day after we had a bachelorette party. We were with our friend group, and we went to the city. It was such a fun experience. We laughed a lot.

And now is the day. The wedding!

I walk together with you to this big room. It was decorated with flowers and beautiful lights. It already felt like a fairy tale.

My dress was really nice too. It is light pink with a fabric that shines a bit. So it looks gorgeous. You went in a dark suit. You look beautiful and handsome, as always, but now a bit more.

I talk to a few of Ivy's family members and some friends of Hunter.

When it is time, we get into the room where it will all happen. This room is also decorated with beautiful flowers and lights, and the altar looks straight out of a fairy tale. The aisle is decorated with candles and flowers.

I am somewhere in the first row because I am one of the maids of honor. I was so honored when Ivy asked me.

Naomi and Demi are the other two. They both look stunning and then everyone has to sit down.

The door opens, and Hunter walks in. He looks amazing. He is dressed in a dark blue suit, and it just looks so clean.

After a couple of minutes, the doors open again. Ivy walks down the aisle, and the tears just start flowing.

Once she arrives at the altar, she looks into Hunter's eyes. "You look so fucking beautiful...", Hunter says, and the guests start to laugh.

Then they start reading their vows. Hunter starts.

"Dear Ivy, I never thought this would happen in my life. I am actually going to marry the girl of my dreams. I still remember the day of our first date. We were young, and I was so crazy about you. I swear, I have loved you since I met you... I am so excited to get married to you and our future", he finished, and Ivy let out a few tears. Then she starts reading.

"Dear Hunter, I cannot believe we are getting married. It just started as a little crush, and now you are going to be my husband! I am so happy that I met you, and I can't wait to do more exciting things in our future. When you asked me out, I thought I was really dreaming. I couldn't believe that you actually liked me. I mean, how? Then a few days later, you asked me to be your girlfriend. Sweetie, I will tell you one thing, I couldn't be happier. I am so excited about our future together, and I still can't believe this is really happening!!", Ivy says, and I see Hunter tearing up a bit.

After a lot of talking, the wedding officiant said, "You may now kiss your bride!". Their kiss looked perfect, and everybody clapped.

They slide the rings on each other's fingers and show them to the audience. Then they walk away, and the crowd follows.

We went to a hall to eat the wedding cake, which was absolutely beautiful and delicious. We have a little drink too.

When it is starting to get dark, we have a party. Ivy and Hunter do their first dance, and it is so sweet.

After a while, everyone is dancing. It is a lot of fun.

They also rented a photo booth, so I take you to it. We took some pictures, and they looked amazing. If we are going to have kids, I will show them these pictures.

Once it is almost night, we decide to leave. "Guys, congratulations, of course, and the whole ceremony was so beautiful!", I tell Ivy and Hunter, and they smile.

They thank us for coming, and I thank them for inviting us.

We get a taxi to our hotel, and when we arrive, we get as quickly as possible into bed.

This day was definitely very wonderful...

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