Part 4

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I open the Snap and I read the text, "Heyy". You also used 2 y's. Does that mean something? Do you want to give a signal? I am probably being delusional again. I ask him how it is going. Of course, I have to have a mental breakdown before I actually send the picture. You send, "good, you?". I am already screaming inside, and I can see us texting daily. I respond with, "good, thx for asking". You answer me with a simple, "np". Then I stop, because I cannot believe what just happened. I get a message, are you sending me messages, Otto? Oh, never mind, it is Ivy. She says that her party is next week. I respond with 👍, I honestly felt like a dad at that moment. What should I get her? Naomi asks Ivy in the chat. Ivy probably wants or food or a gift card or money. She doesn't really know, as always. I will just give her food and money. I am so original :). I also see that Phoebe and Lilly are invited to the party. Phoebe and Lilly are Ivy's old friends, from primary school. They're pretty nice, but so extroverts. Demi is also invited, Ivy's best friend and mine too. And Naomi, of course. I am looking forward to this party. I get bored, and I open my laptop. I type your name into the Google search bar, sadly nothing. Why on Earth aren't you on the internet?

- after the weekend -

I wake up, it is 7:15. Ugh, we have school. When on Earth is someone gonna forbid school? I get up, and walk downstairs. I missed you, Otto. You are literally the only thing that keeps me alive at school. When I arrive, I see your best friend Finn. That boy is tall, but like really tall... I would low-key smash him. Just because, I have my reasons. I walk to my locker, and I see Lena. Her locker is close to mine. After I put everything in my locker, we go to religious education. Of course, I have to sit next to you. We talk about the Second World War, and the teacher puts on a video about it. I watch and you also do. Then you go to the toilet and when you come back you took off your sweater. You were only wearing a T-shirt. I watch you walking back to your spot. I can see that Bailey is also looking. Why is she in our way? What does she mean to you? We are meant to be...

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