Part 5

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After the boring school day, I have to go to dance class. I am already late, because of school. I am so tired, so I cycle to this little park. Wait... Are you following me with your friends? When I stop at a bench, I look behind me. You aren't there, I am so delusional. I start on my German homework, since I don't have any energy, I just use Google Translate. I am now finished, let's go to dance class...

- next day -

Dance class was so boring! Today is Tuesday. A new day, a better day. I hope. But sadly, it isn't. Just as boring as always... But you are there, which makes the day a little better. I still feel like you are in love with Bailey. Bailey is my friend, I guess. Last weekend we added her to our group chat. I don't know if see belongs in our group... In the break she is always with her other friends and see almost never sits with us. Bailey also has connections in like the whole school! It is like she is just friends with everyone. How on earth do you do that? Answer: being extremely extrovert. I am the total opposite, introvert. "ELIZA, HUNTER ASKED ME TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND!!", Ivy shouts, and I get out of my zone. I actually forgot that I was still in school. I totally forgot about Ivy and her Hunter thing. "Oh my god, really?", I respond, excitedly. She nods and it looks like she is almost crying. Ivy still deserves a relationship. I am just happy that she is. "How was the date by the way, I totally forgot!", I ask her. "It was so much fun! We went to the cinema, and we watched the Hunger Games, the mockingjay part 1!! I wanted to see that one. It was a really nice movie and experience. Then, at the end he asked me to be his girlfriend!! Of course, I said yes, because I had a crush on him for ages!", Ivy looked so happy, it almost got me crying. "Then he also asked if we could do a second date!", Ivy told me. "Of course, you said yes", I added, and she nodded. "Girl, it is just so nice to have a relationship again...", Ivy had a relationship once, she told me that. It was on primary school, with some dude. They broke up, I can't remember why tho... Now she hates him, what I totally get. "I woke up and he texted me good morning, and we called like all night!", maybe Hunter is better than I imagined. "But, how are you?", she probably thought that she was talking too much. "I'm fine, just boring days, you know", I reply. "You should also get a boyfriend! If you want, I can help you...", I am sorry, but I cannot trust her as a matchmaker. "No thanks, I don't even like some-...", My gaze catches you. You're just talking to some of your friends. Oh, you see me staring. Nope, you can't. I look away, "I do not like someone!". "Wow, I don't know if that is true...", Ivy says, questioning. Jesus, why am I being so obvious? And why can't you get out of my head, Otto?

Heyy everyone! Thanks for reading this book! Also Nora, thank you girl :) for reading. You are so nice and great, so thank for everything!! I hope you enjoyed this part. Oh and btw keep voting. More coming soon!!

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