Part 6

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"We have to go!", Brooke says, another girl from a friend group. I know, our friend group is quite big. I walk with Sydney and Juliet. They are both nice people, and they are a couple. You walk in front of me, I definitely have to walk slower. "Hey!", Bailey starts to talk with you. I try to stay as calm as possible. How am I feeling so single right now? Like, I am surrounded by couples! If you are a couple with her... I wanted to walk over to Ivy, but I forgot she is with Hunter. Sylvie and Lena and single, but both don't mind. Naomi and Brooke, finally two singles that mind. "Hey! How are you?", Naomi asks, I reply, "Good, thanks". When we arrive at the classroom, I ask if Ivy wants to sit next to each other. I can't look at you and forget that you and Bailey might be something. Luckily, Ivy responds with a yes. Then I remember that I still have to buy her a present. I will do it after school. You sit next to one of your friends, but you are still close to Bailey. Why am I so jealous?

- After School -

I cycle up a hill, I am going to the store to buy something for Ivy. When I arrive, I walk inside, straight to the candy aisle. Suddenly I see my French teacher, deciding what type of bread he should take. I don't have time for this, I have to run away, far away. I try to walk as casually as ever. Luckily, he doesn't notice. I have to make this trip quick because he could spawn anywhere in this store. I continue to the candy aisle. I pick up a chocolate bar and a bag of chips. I think that is fine and quickly walk to the cashier. I scan my products and pay, I look around me. It probably looks as if I am the main character in some horror film. And that my French teacher is the villain trying to kill me. When I am outside again, I make my way to my bike and cycle away. I try to cycle fast, which works. Then I'm finally home again, and I take the stairs to my room. I sit on my bed and think about stuff. About you and me? No, you and Bailey. You are probably just good friends. I hope. Oh my god, Eliza! Stop being so jealous. I should be happy for Bailey if they're together. But you aren't, right...?

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