Chapter One: Hanging With Austin

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-Thursday *5:45AM*-

Kaylei's PoV

"Beep! Beep!! Beep!!! BEEP!!!! BEEP!!!!!" my alarm clock rings. I sigh then turn it off.

"Kaylei," my brother says opening my door.

"What Trentin?" I ask, a little annoyed that he didn't knock. I'll get him for that later, it's too early for me to get him right now.

"It's Mom's day off, and she wants to know if you want to take the car to school."

"Sure, do you want me to take you?"

"Sure." He walks out of my room, surpringly closing the door on his way out. I hear him walk down the hallway and go into his room.

I call my cousin, Andrea. "Hello hello KayKay. What's up?" she asks when she answers.

"Hey Andra, do you guys want a ride to school?" I ask, chuckling at her.

"Chel and I already have one. We're stopping somewhere before we go. Hold on I'll go ask Courtney." After a few seconds she says, "She nodded, so yes."

"Okay, tell her I'll be there in about an hour."

"Okay, bye."

"Bye." After I hang up, I get up out of my bed. I pick out my outfit and start getting ready for the day. I take a quick shower then get dressed and do my hair and makeup. I wear a black shirt that says "Love Me Hate Me" in red writing, a pair of purple skinny jeans, and a pair or purple vans that match my jeans. I straighten my hair and for makeup I just put on mascara and lip gloss. I'm not one of those girls that puts five pounds of makeup on their face everyday, not that there's anything wrong with that. I just like being mostly natural.

I go downstairs to eat breakfast. After a few minutes of looking over what we have, I decide on having a bowl of Lucky Charms and a glass of Apple juice.

Courtney's PoV

*note: Things in ( ) are things Courtney thinks when someone's talking to her*

"She'll be here in about an hour," Andrea says coming in my room again. I nod in response.

After she leaves, I get out of bed and get dressed. I took a shower last night so I don't have to worry about that. I throw on a black shirt that says "My headphones are in" in white writing and "Shut up!!" in red, a pair of black skinny jeans, and a pair of red and white converse. I curl my hair then put it in a pony tail. I put on a little mascara and a very light lipstick. I decide to wear my favorite leather jacket and put it on. I look in the mirror and sigh unsatisfied, like usual, then go to the kitchen.

"You hungry?" Rachel asks.

I shake my head.


She frowns, knowing I'm lying. I walk passed her and get a glass for some water.

My parents left about an hour ago, so it's just my siblings and me. My little brother, Thanyal, he is twelve. My two older siblings, Rachel and Andrea, they are both eighteen. Yes, they are twins.

I'll tell you something real quick, I'm mute. I haven't talked since eighth grade. In the last quarter everyone abandoned me, and I stopped talking. I started going to Kaylei's school when I started high school. Her and her group of friends tried to make me start again but I wouldn't. I probably never will.

Anyways, enough of my horrible life.

"Eat!" Rachel yells giving me half a waffle. I sigh but eat it, knowing if I don't she won't let me leave until I do.

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