“I have no eyes nor ears,” Evie whispered, "Jade, you must go. I think you are at risk."

Jade turned cold inside when she saw Evie turning pale, sweating cold.

"Okay, I'll leave and call 911," Jade nodded, but just as she began walking towards the hotel...

"Oh! Don't go, my sweet Señorita!" She heard Alex's voice, "We have something for you tonight."

Suddenly, a spotlight turned on, illuminating Jade, making her turn towards the stage.

"I would like to dedicate this song to our new bodyguard," Draco said on stage, with all the boys behind him smiling, "You've proved to be a truly skilled member of our team, Jade. And now, for the first performance ever of the song she wrote herself, this is Make Me Yours!"

And the people exploded in screams around Jade.

She froze.

The boys... Were they seriously going to sing the song she wrote?!

"Oh Jesus..." Kimberly startled Jade. She didn't see the blonde approach until she was already by her side. "Those guys really have a crush on you, girl!"

“You really think so?” Jade looked up at Zeth as he began to sing...

Don’t know if it is your face, or your body, or your gaze. Ooh, but you’ve got me so obsessed.” Zeth gestured towards her, pointing a finger as he walked to the edge of the stage, and then he stopped, staring at Jade while adding more emotion to the next line of the song. “Now I see you everywhere, even in the darkest place. Ooh, so I need you in my bed.” His voice was so powerful, so raspy and sensual, as addictive as his touch.

And that line... It was obvious that only Zeth was supposed to sing it.

Jade shook her head and looked down, avoiding Zeth's gaze for several moments. There was something about him that made her blush with just one look. But he kept looking at her, smiling widely.

And I don’t know... Why I’ve been feeling brave! And stronger! But tonight I’m here... For you...” Then Frank sang with his fake brown eyes fixed on her. Those high notes were perfect, strong but full of emotion. His voice was sweet, full of love for her, a prodigious voice that made her skin crawl. She could feel every single eye on her. She now wore the envy of hundreds of people.

Don’t know if it’s right to say these words.” And then Draco started walking to the centre of the stage while singing. “Take me now and make me say your name, babe. I’ll put in your hands my heart and fate. I’m naked here tonight and darling! I’m not thinking straight! So... Make me yours, make me yours...” Oh God! Draco was singing beautifully. All these intense emotions within Jade... Damn! They terrified her but made her feel so alive at the same time! “I’m naked here tonight! So, make me yours... Make me yours, make me yours... I’m naked here tonight! So, make me yours, oh!” When Draco was done singing, the entire pool area fell silent and the lights went off...

And then there was an explosion of neon lights and EDM-slash-dance-pop music.

The boys danced the choreography in sync, without missing a single step or jump or turn, happy and laughing, and those seven pairs of eyes were fixed on her.

Jade now wasn't sure if she wanted this to be her last night being their girlfriend, because even though she wanted to stay, she knew that maybe this wasn't the type of relationship for her.

Should she fight? Or get away from them? She didn't know anything about them, she didn't feel ready to continue with this, she didn't know if it was the right thing to insist on an empty relationship.

MY SEVEN BOYFRIENDS ARE IN A BOYBAND - Polyamourous SmuttsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang