Okita-san's eyes started drawing me in, he smiled wide, the one that makes my cheeks flushed. While he had his hand on the small of my back, he held my cheek tenderly, all while still managing that playful look on his face.

"You're too busy with that other man, you don't even know what I'm feeling Chizuru-chan" he said, pouting a little after. What was I supposed to know? That he likes spending his free time teasing me? Even if it hurts me a little that he sees me than just that, I can't help but get all giddy inside when he pretends to be jealous.

He started getting closer to my face, without noticing I also started getting close. The hairs on my neck standed up, my cheeks were feeling hot, and I couldn't look anywhere else but his lips. It still was odd we were having a moment out in the open with Heisuke somewhere around.

Our noses touched eachother, what was left to make contact were our lips. I took a deep breath waiting for another teaseful moment, Okita-san's eyes never left my face. His grin was still painted across his face, all that it needed was to be touched by another.

What would be a weird and unexpected moment, was stopped when there was a huge splash of water, making us soaking wet.

No P.O.V

Chizuru scrambled off of Souji and began coughing out the water, Heisuke had fallen over when he was tackled by a barrigade of ducks. That boy never learned that animals don't like him. Souji grunted and narrowed his eyes at the blue eyed man fighting off a brown duck. Chizuru crawled back to the blades of grass and tried to hide her embarrassment. Souji grabbed Heisuke by the collar to push him so he can fall again,"Get another duck, I don't like that one" he grunted.

Heisuke spat out a twig, cursing Souji under his breath, he got up to get the duck once and for all.

Heisuke managed to snatch two nice ducks, only leaving with a few bite marks and a starting cold. Chizuru walked behind the men still too embarrassed to talk to Souji again, she didn't know what was coming over her. Souji was her friend, and she didn't want things to get awkward between them. He took notice of her quietness, she had her head down and held her hands together. Souji let Heisuke walk ahead, he won't get lost.

Souji held out his hand, Chizuru stopped and looked at it in confusement. She wasn't sure if he was showing her something on his palm or he wanted her to take it. "Don't leave me hanging Chizuru, take my hand. I want to walk back holding hands with you" he told her firmly, almost sounding harsh but yet assuring.

She hesitates to hold it but he did the work for her, he gently pulled her next to his side. "By the way, I still want to finish your punishment when we get back. I'll be giving Heisuke a beating before that for interrupting us" he sneered. Chizuru giggled, already relaxed in his hold.

Evryone in Kyoto mistaked them for being a couple, although Souji did flaunt it more than to Chizuru's comfort.

A sweet old couple went walking towards them, the old lady smiled at her husband,"Oh look sweetheart, remember when we were young and in love?". The husband laughed and gave her a kiss on the cheek, he turned to Souji,"So how many kids are you younglings planning to have?".

Chizuru scoffed on the question and was about to correct him that they were not together, but Souji laid a hand on her tummy,"Well sir, it so happens we are expecting a child until next summer" he grinned widely. The old couple gave them their conrgatulations and walked away, reminiscing about their early days.

Chizuru was so red, words couldn't even come out. Although the joke was harmless, many thoughts came into her head. Did he actually want to start a family? And with her!?

She was red all the way home, Souji smiling to himself, Chizuru didn't let go of his hand after the old couple thing. Heisuke went to kill the ducks he finally caught, he knows Chizuru hated doing such a thing. They both stopped at the gate, Souji really wanted to kiss her but played it cool.

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