Sudden Death

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"So? What type of classes do you have for this year, then?" I asked, looking over at L, who had the same expressionless look painted over his face as he glanced down at me.

"Well, what classes do you have?" L muttered as I blanked at the idea.

"Oh, uh—I can go look," I slurred. I walked over to one of the many bags, dragged to this hotel room, pulled out a paper, and handed it to L.

"It's my schedule for the rest of the school year," I chuckled, watching L write down all my classes before handing it back to me. All classes, he wasn't kidding. We would be seeing each other a lot more.

"I'll have to pull some strings, but you'll be with me for the rest of the day in the same classes that you and Light are in," L stated. I felt my face flush again, waves of confusion washing over me simultaneously.

"How are you just able to switch your classes like that?" I asked, more puzzled than I've ever been.

"I have connections that you don't need to worry about," L responded, shooting a cold but commanding glance as I nodded in agreement.

"You should try to get some rest, though we have class tomorrow, and it's my first day. I like to be on time and ready; this isn't just school." His tone never permanently changed this commanding sense, yet it drew me in and held me tight in a chokehold.

"So try to get some rest, and if you can't, come get me." I watched L finish speaking and turn the rest of his attention towards the couch. He said I could have the bed until we had better living arrangements.

"Yeah, of course," I agreed, not wanting to oppose L's word. I headed back to my bed before quickly glancing back at L, seeing how he was completely knocked out. And it hadn't even been a minute, and he's already out cold. I thought about sleeping in my bed but feeling how cold the blankets were and just wanting that sense of safety. I walked over to L, giving him a slight nudge, almost hoping he wouldn't wake up, as all he did was open his arms, waving them for me to join him. Not once did he open his heavy eyes, just waiting for me to embrace him in a hug. I lowered myself to his level, slowly melting into his arms. He was comfortable and warm for someone who seemed so tiny, holding me close to his chest. This time was different than with Light. He's not obsessive. He's just being nice to me, knowing I've been through a lot. I couldn't help but feel exhausted as time ticked by, the honest sleep that I craved hitting me like a brick in the head, pulling me away to somewhere I could feel safe in my mind, right in L's chest where it felt the safest.


I woke up the following day, the sun shining right onto my face, no longer resting in the warmth of L as I slowly sat up, seeing him throwing on a pair of blue jeans, his white shirt wrinkling around his shoulders. I watched as he looked over at me. The smell of breakfast filled the air, the sweet smell of pancakes mixed with bacon. What more could a girl ask? A night that meant something, even if nothing sexual happened, with a morning of warm food and a nice view. I smiled at L as he looked away, clearly embarrassed. L pointed to the breakfast, resting on an island in the middle of the kitchen counter.

"I had Watari bring us some food. It would help if you got ready so we can eat...I don't want to eat without you," L muttered under his breath, his face with a flash of red moving across it, making my heart flutter. I don't know how to express that feeling. It's somewhat close to what I felt towards Light, but L doesn't have to do anything. He's standing there blushing, and my heart wants to pound out of his chest. I scrambled around the room, looking for my uniform, before finding it tucked away in my bags and backpack. They cleaned everything from my apartment, and nothing was missing. I quickly dressed in the bathroom, ensuring all my stuff was in my bag for someone struggling to make ends meet; at least nothing was stolen from me.

A TEMPTATION: A DANCE WITH DEATHWhere stories live. Discover now