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I opened the diary, flipping through the pages as my heart sank. I need information on the deaths. I thought maybe Light was responsible. He is a cold man, heartless and intelligent. If it were anyone, it would have to be him, but I flipped through more pages, feeling the sweat drip down my face, the heart beating as anger filled my body. I can't. No, there has to be something I can't just give up. I thought I had a lead. I pleaded with myself, the voice screaming at me, trying to figure out anything and everything I could.

"It's blank!" I tossed the book on the bed, angry as I looked back at the drawer, feeling the anger wanting to escape from my ears.

"Why keep an empty dairy, let alone hidden away like it was something important?" I grumbled, looking around the room, the rows of books with nothing but a laptop on his desk. Standing in the middle of the room, I sighed heavily, staring at the diary I tossed onto the bed. Useless to me. I just want to know what happened to my father and Kasai. I heard the door creak open as I saw Light holding a bowl full of apples, the same cold expression plastered on his face like he never left like nothing happened, as if none of what was going on was his fault. Maybe I'm just insane for thinking Light could be the reason behind the deaths; perhaps he's just a strange kid caught off guard and struggling with making friends. I watched his gaze go to me, then back at the bed, looking at the diary, then back at the drawer that stupid me left open.

OH SHIT, SHIT! My mind panicked as I freaked up, grabbing the diary and gulping, feeling the air rise in my chest.

"I'm so sorry. Please, Light, I just wanted to get to know you better. We were different people," I shuddered, hoping he couldn't tell I was lying. I don't want him to think I was some type of creep; I just want to know what happened and why people are dropping dead, mainly the people I talk to. I just wish to answer: Is asking for something to explain this mess so hard? My father would never have risked his life. I don't believe it was him.

"It's rude to snoop through someone else things," Light scolded me, glaring at me with anger as I kept my eyes away from his glare. I don't want to anger him, but how he spoke to me confuses me. It's like he wasn't angry, but his tone was still stern and angry. Still, he never once raised his voice as he towered over me, leaning closer with each step as I felt my heart race differently, almost as if he was flirting with me. I would rather die than date him or think about Light in that view. Light leaned over, snatching the diary from my hands and gently putting it back into the drawer.

"I'm sorry, I wanted to know more," I mumbled, breathing slightly heavily, the anxiety that fired through my body. The diary was in the drawer alone as if Light wanted someone to find it and think it was just his diary. I thought to myself, overseeing Light.

"Ask next time, Y/N. I'll answer any questions you have for me. Well, almost everything I don't want to share over and scare you off," Light spoke as he sat on the bed, patting the space next to him. I sat beside him, taking deep breaths to calm my heart rate down.

"Yeah? Well, why do you like to learn so much?" I asked, looking away and feeling him stare at me as if he wanted to read me as much as I tried to read him.

"It gives me something to do. I know so much. Why would I let it belittle away?" Light laughed as I forced a fake one.

"Well, you're brilliant, and I want to thank you for helping me with my homework. It's been hard lately," I chuckled, looking down at my hands, not daring to glance at Light. All Light did was nod a little, moving closer to me on the bed and gently put his hand on my thigh, sending chills up my back as I looked away, my face flushing red even if I didn't want it to this wasn't what I wanted I didn't ask to study to just fuck around like most students now of days if I wanted to do that I would ask one of the more affluent kids and get a sugar daddy. That's not a bad idea. I shook my head, looking away more. I moved out a little, smirking awkwardly. Light is attractive, don't get me wrong; a lot is going on in my life, and I can't trust someone like him, and I don't think he understands that. Light scooted closer to me, almost to the point where he could pin me down the bed easily if he genuinely wanted to with his broad shoulders and scarlet eyes... his eyes always seem so different.

A TEMPTATION: A DANCE WITH DEATHWhere stories live. Discover now